Difference between revisions of "Testsuite Machines"

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(use pushable URL for testsuite_results repo)
(correct name of testsuite results repo)
Line 33: Line 33:
Update the testsuite status page by adding the log files to the release-info repository:
Update the testsuite status page by adding the log files to the <code>testsuite_results</code> repository:
   git clone git@bitbucket.org:einsteintoolkit/testsuite_results
   git clone git@bitbucket.org:einsteintoolkit/testsuite_results

Revision as of 19:32, 1 July 2024

This page contains notes and instructions for people running the ET testsuites on various different machines. If you have experience running testsuites on a machine which is not listed here, please consider adding some information which might help others (or yourself!) in future.


To check out the ET, follow the instructions at http://einsteintoolkit.org/download/ under "Current development version".

Now configure simfactory:

 cd Cactus
 cp simfactory/etc/defs.local.ini.simple simfactory/etc/defs.local.ini
 nano simfactory/etc/defs.local.ini

Edit defs.local.ini and replace

 YOUR_LOGIN with your username
 YOUR@EMAIL.ADDRESS with your usual email address
 YOUR_ALLOCATION with your project allocation
 YOUR_THORNLIST with manifest/einsteintoolkit.th

See the machine-specific notes below for any additional steps for each machine.

 sim sync <machine>
 sim login <machine>
 sim build
 sim create-submit ettests_1proc --testsuite --procs <N> --num-threads <N> --walltime 3:00:00
 sim create-submit ettests_2proc --testsuite --procs <N> --num-threads <N/2> --walltime 3:00:00

Replace <N> and <N/2> with the number of cores on each node, and half of this, respectively, for the machine you are using. Remember that "procs" here means "cores" and "num-threads" means "number of threads per process". The idea is to use a full node, i.e. all the cores, and then either one or two MPI processes.

When the jobs have finished, you should have the summary.log files in


Update the testsuite status page by adding the log files to the testsuite_results repository:

 git clone git@bitbucket.org:einsteintoolkit/testsuite_results
 cd release-info
 scp machine:<simulations>/ettests_1proc/output-0000/TEST/sim/summary.log <machine>__1_<N>.log
 scp machine:<simulations>/ettests_2proc/output-0000/TEST/sim/summary.log <machine>__2_<N/2>.log
 git add <machine>*.log
 git commit
 git push

To re-run the tests with an updated checkout, run the GetComponents command above with the --update flag, rebuild, delete the "ettests_*" simulations, and resubmit the simulations.