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== <NAME> (ET_2010_11) ==
== Chandrasekhar (ET_2010_11) ==
In preparation.
In preparation.

Revision as of 16:20, 1 November 2010

Chandrasekhar (ET_2010_11)

In preparation.

Bohr (ET_2010_06)

[text from release announcement]

This release comprises the following tools, arrangements, and thorns. Each tool/arrangement/thorn may have its own licencing conditions, but all are available as open source:

       Cactus                  Flesh
       CactusBase              Standard Cactus thorns
       ExternalLibraries       Interfaces to external libraries
       Carpet                  Adaptive mesh refinement
       EinsteinAnalysis        Einstein Toolkit
       McLachlan               BSSN implementation
       TAT/TATelliptic         Various thorns
       Kranc                   Automated code generation
       GetComponents           Downloading tools and thorns
       SimFactory              Building code and running simulations

All repositories participating in this release carry a branch "ET_2010_06" marking this release. These release branches will be updated if severe errors are found.

This release has been tested on the following systems and architectures:

       Workstations (Intel, Linux)
       MacBook Pro notebook (Intel, Mac OS X)
       Blue Drop, NCSA (Power 7, Linux)
       Damiana, AEI (AMD cluster, Linux)
       Kraken, NICS (Cray XT5, Linux)
       Philip, LSU (Intel cluster, Linux)
       Queen Bee, LONI (Intel cluster, Linux)
       Ranger, TACC (AMD cluster, Linux)

The Simulation Factory contains ready-to-use configuration details for more than 20 additional systems, including most HPC systems at DOE, LONI, TeraGrid, and RZG.

The Einstein Toolkit thorns contain 89 regression test cases. While all test cases pass on important systems, there are unfortunately also some systems where certain test cases fail. We verified that this is because of accumulation of floating-point round-off error in most cases, and we will discuss this issue in a broader context in the near future.

The Einstein Toolkit web site contains online documentation for its thorns, and pointers for using it to build your own code. There is also a tutorial that explains how to download, build, and run the code for a simple binary black hole evolution. We invite you to join our mailing list <users@einsteintoolkit.org>.

On behalf of the Einstein Toolkit Consortium: the "Bohr" Release Team

       Gabrielle Allen
       Eloisa Bentivegna
       Tanja Bode
       Peter Diener
       Roland Haas
       Ian Hinder
       Frank Loeffler
       Bruno Mundim
       Erik Schnetter
       Eric Seidel

June 17, 2010