Generic elliptic solver
Revision as of 11:04, 2 November 2011 by Bentivegna (talk | contribs)
- Steve: FunWave, need parallelism and mesh refinement;
- Ian: 6-variable, linear elliptic equation, need mesh refinement and perhaps parallelism;
- Eloisa: generic solver, easy to use and to experiment with more important than efficiency, no restriction on topology, mesh refinement would be good but doesn't need it for everything;
Existing tools:
- Scott's elliptic solver, second order with extension to fourth order coming soon; integrate with Cactus via own data conversions, but currently making it talk to Carpet. Available immediately via SVN;
- Eloisa has experimented with OpenFOAM: nice and flexible, not great for accuracy, need to import data to Cactus afterwards (not complicated, but unfeasible to do at each timestep).
- Current CactusElliptic: EllBase gives interface to register elliptic solvers, currently not much implemented (SOR), equation type is a little restrictive (linear), compatibility with AMR unknown;
- CarpetPETSc?
- Existing implementations:
- TwoPunctures;
- NoExcision;
- Kranc-generated Laplace solver via relaxation;
- BAM_Elliptic;
Possible directions: