From Einstein Toolkit Documentation
- Managing and reproducing data
- postprocessing
- visualization
- simulation management, simfactory
- Ian Hinder describes situation of simfactory2 and work on simfactory3 (Hinder, Wardell, Schnetter).
- Ian Hawke mentions the possibility of other workflow management systems that exist and have a wide user base.
- desire to include management of simulation data
- Reproducibility (Ian Hawke)
- Performance in optimization and usability
- AMR, scaling, adaptiveness
- reduce focus on home grown solution for GR only
- discuss benefits of Chombo and GRChombo. Ian Hawke mentions bad experience with these frameworks in relativity.
- Usability
- more examples, better documentation (hypothetical "science with ET", Carpet)
- scientific programmers
- Code correctness
- Cactus-aware correctness testing framework. Ideally with set of a simulation and analysis tests, may e much more heavyweight than testsuite.
- HPC correctness test
- Updating private codes to agree with ET developments
- Community practises
- backwards compatibility. Strict compatibility hurts usefulness.
- Cactus may have been to conservative mainaining compatibility
- IF things broke we were not good about announcing this or providing useful error messages at runtime
- hard to provide runtime information or code. Need a method to deprecate code and parameters with escalating warnings/errors/aborts as the deprecated feature becomes older.
- Physics modules
- better interfaces, evolution agnostic analysis, metadata
- adopt standards (preferably public ones, or from neighbouring fields)
- initial data: provide more? Better documentation for initial data thorns?
- GRHydro development:
- more standards for hydro
- provide metadata with ID thorns
- agree on exactly on what is provided
- now there are multiple hydro codes that are public
- ET maintenance
- tickets (weekly telecon?)
- computer time for infrastructure development in Europe
- PRACE only gives prepartory access to test on the given machine but not to develop
- PRACE ony funds big ones, smaller ones through national agencies. (CINECA offers class C allocations for this)
- Usability
- documentation wanted, not just code but also on how to do things
- larger set of gallery examples
- lack of complete documentation. Some part are well documented (Cactus flesh) but newer features are mostly undocumented, for example the tags
- want some high level documentation
- suggestion to also have a correctness checking framework
- non-working examples are included in the toolkit. Example parfiles should be commented to make them easier to understand.
- higher level "Einstein Toolkit" user guide.