Phone Call Minutes
Revision as of 10:55, 23 January 2012 by (talk) (add minutes for 2012-01-16 and 2012-01-23)
- no meeting on 2012-01-23
- presentation A conservation law formulation of nonlinear elasticity in general relativity
- 2012-11-09
- no meeting on 2012-01-02
- no minutes for 2011-12-19, rumour has it MPI implementations were discussed
- 2011-12-12
- 2011-12-05
- presentation: Improved EM Gauge Condition for GRMHD Simulations with AMR
- 2011-11-21
- 2011-11-14
- 2011-11-07
- no meeting on 2011-10-31 Fall 2011 ET workshop at LSU:
- 2011-10-24
- 2011-10-17
- 2011-10-10
- 2011-10-03
- 2011-09-26
- 2011-09-19
- 2011-09-12
- 2011-09-05
- 2011-08-29
- 2011-08-22
- 2011-08-15
- 2011-08-08
- 2011-08-01
- 2011-07-25
- no meeting on 2011-07-18 (Teragrid conference)
- 2011-07-11
- no meeting worth mentioning on 2011-07-04
- 2011-06-20
- 2011-06-13
- 2011-06-06
- no meeting on 2011-05-30 (US memorial day)
- 2011-05-23
- no meeting on 2011-05-16 (GCGM6)
- 2011-05-09
- no meeting on 2011-05-02 (APS meeting)
- no meeting on 2011-04-25 (CIGR workshop)
- 2011-04-18
- 2011-04-11
- 2011-04-04
- 2011-03-28
- 2011-03-21
- 2011-03-14
- 2011-03-07
- 2011-02-28
- 2011-02-21
- 2011-02-14
- 2011-02-07
- 2011-01-31
- 2011-01-24
- no minutes for 2011-01-17
- 2011-01-10
- 2010-12-13
- 2010-12-06
- 2010-11-29
- 2010-11-22
- 2010-11-15
- 2010-11-08
- 2010-11-01
- 2010-10-25
- 2010-10-18
- 2010-10-11
- 2010-10-04
- 2010-09-27
- 2010-09-20
- 2010-09-13
- 2010-08-30
- 2010-08-16
- 2010-08-09
- 2010-08-02
- 2010-07-26