Compiling the Einstein Toolkit

From Einstein Toolkit Documentation
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The recommended way to compile the Einstein Toolkit is to use the Simulation Factory ("SimFactory").


SimFactory comes with support for many of the large supercomputers. If you are compiling on one of these, it should be sufficient to run

   sim build --thornlist path/to/

Generic operating systems

SimFactory also contains general support for specific operating systems, including Mac OS, Ubuntu, and Scientific Linux. To build a configuration, you need to determine the correct optionlist to use from simfactory/mdb/optionlists. You can then choose the optionlist to use on the "sim build" command line:

   sim build --thornlist path/to/ --optionlist <optionlist-name>

Writing your own optionlist

If your operating system is not supported, you will need to write your own optionlist.