Revision as of 12:20, 29 May 2015 by Noncct jmiller (talk | contribs)
This Webpage is the wiki for developing the yt frontend for the Einstein Toolkit
We have an almost working frontend.
- yt supports cell-centred data only.
- To correct this we first implement a fake subgrid, filled by restriction
- Later Matt will add better support for true vertex-centred data
- Multiblock is not yet supported, but yt's coordinate handler will be able to make it work.
- Discontinuous Galerkin methods are not supported. Support will come with hexahedral mesh support
- High-order finite element support is coming and then discontinuous Galerkin methods will work beautifully.
Shopping List
Kacper, can you please write down what information you wish the einstein toolkit output format included?
Simulation List
We have the following simulations available to test against
- static_tov, a static neutron star with fixed mesh refinement
- ml_wavetoy, a series of simulations of a Gaussian pulse with refinement at the centre and periodic boundary conditions
- excited_tov_Lev0-i0000, a perturbed neutron star with adaptive mesh refinement and a sevenpatch multiblock infrastructure.
- bssn_dg4_sixpatches_kerrschild, a black hole with excision using discontinuous Galerkin methods
- After it is working, Jonah will add comments to the frontend to ensure future generations have the knowledge of Carpet required to design it gleaned during the workshop at the NCSA.
- Other TODOS?