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Implement more accurate prolongation in Carpet using the method described in Mongwane - Toward a Consistent Framework for High Order Mesh Refinement Schemes in Numerical Relativity.


Eloisa Bentivegna, Roland Haas, Ian Hinder


This should allow us to have 4th order accurate prolongation without buffer zones, instead of 2nd order accurate prolongation with buffer zones. This will allow much more flexibility in choosing refined regions, reduce the amount of prolongation, and avoid evolution of all the extra points in the buffer zones.

Useful references

Meeting - 07-Aug-2017

  • Read through the relevant section of the paper.
  • Discussed whole method and brainstormed how we might implement it.
  • Whiteboard

Tasks for next meeting:


  • Set up test cases for space-independent Einstein solutions:
    • Convergence of unigrid - 4th order
    • Convergence of FMR, 2 level, with standard buffer zones. Expect 2nd order error at fixed t (due to order of time interpolation; three points, O(dt^3) local error, O(dt^2) error when integrated up to fixed t)
    • Convergence of FMR, 2 level, without buffer zones, and prolongating on every MoL substep. Expect 1nd order (Carpenter paper).
  • Derive k4 if possible


  • Check we understand all the formulas and the algorithm
  • Write out a complete description of what we want to implement


  • Look at MoL and Carpet and work out what sorts of functions need to be inserted/scheduled/adapted to implement the scheme


  • For 1D python code, measure convergence in time for spatially-constant initial data with buffer zones - should be 2nd order at fixed t (I think)

Tomorrow we resync, to make sure we all understand all the parts.

Meeting - 08-Aug-2017




  • Cactus runs set up with EDS and 2-level FMR with 1. unigrid, 2. standard Carpet buffer zones, 3. no buffer zones
  • See 4th order in unigrid and away from the refined region
  • Refined regions no clear order
  • Only 5 points in refined region; will be clearer with higher resolution

Tasks for next meeting


  • Add resolution to the FMR test runs in 1D to separate the different regions by the first common time step
  • Finish derivation of the ks


  • Hash out a few Cactus function outlines for computing things, prolongating, etc, and schedules. Discuss tomorrow.


  • Look at the Cactus functions as well
  • Think about the regridding issue
  • Look at the python code again