ET Working Group Policies and Procedures

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Formalizing the process for members of the consortium to work together to deliver software and tools, provide service, and discuss and brainstorm issues will allow us to

  • Coordinate and track efforts from funded projects
  • Avoid duplication of efforts
  • Improve communication mechanisms around community contributions
  • Assist in making processes open and inclusive
  • Facilitate proper acknowledgement of contributions
  • Facilitate the tracking and collection of metrics around community contributions
  • Help encourage contributions from the community

Einstein Toolkit Consortium members are encouraged to initiate and join Development Teams and/or Working Groups:

  • Development Teams: Focused on specific software or tool development with clear and documented milestones and deliverables, these teams are anticipated to be short term and transient. Development work is encouraged to take place in an open manner, but may be private until deliverables are delivered.
  • Working Groups: These long term groups provide coordination, discuss strategy and opportunities, or support different Einstein Toolkit services are initiatives. Working groups are expected to be open and inclusive and are expected to work through activities such as regular video conferences, workshops, etc.


  • Working Groups or Development Teams are created by filling out a proposal template ( and submitting to The proposal template will be circulated to ET members and reviewed at an ET call at least one week after circulation. The call should be attended by the proposal lead. In the interim of having a more formal policy, decisions on the proposal will be made by consensus. The review can result in either accepting the proposal, rejecting the proposal, or requesting more information (in which case the review process will be repeated).
  • If accepted, the lead will provide a wiki page on the ET web site containing the information in the proposal, and keep the page up to date if any information changes. The lead will also provide monthly updates as requested on the status of activities and progress to milestones and deliverables.
  • If no status updates are provided by a group or team for a period of 6 months, the activity will be assumed terminated and will be removed from the ET web page.
  • All working group or development team members must be signed up members of the Einstein Toolkit Consortium.