Tutorial Planning
The tutorial server is a project created and maintained by the developers. It can make the setup and running of tutorials a highly streamlined experience.
To make use of the tutorial server for your workshop, please follow these steps:
- Contact us at least 1 month in advance. Ideally, with a rough headcount for the number of students. We need this for several reasons.
- We use a special server setup for tutorials called "Create Your Own Login." This allows students to create a login and password if they know a special keyword that is advertised to the class. This mechanism is far easier and faster (in our experience) than handing out logins or using the normal registration process.
- Because we're using a special tutorial server, we need LSU to approve an externally visible name for the server. There is only so fast the LSU IT beaurocracy can handle a request like this.
- Please also contact your instructors and have them provide us with data/notebooks for their tutorials before we open for general registration. We would like the ability to test their content and ensure that it runs smoothly.
- Please advertise our workshop gitter chat in advance of the workshop: https://gitter.im/EinsteinToolkit/workshop. This makes it easier for us to provide asynchronous help for students.
- Please provide a program that identifies the time the tutorial server will be in use. This allows the support people to plan when they will be available to help students, and helps the LSU IT staff know when to be on alert for any problems with the servers.
- Please put a slot in the schedule for students to respond to a survey for students about the tutorial experience (which we've never done but should do).