Carpet Transition
The development version of Carpet (known as the "Mercurial" or "hg" version) has seen major internal restructuring since the stable ("git") version. Whilst the development version is mostly compatible with the stable version, there are some things to watch out for. This page gives instructions for people who want to use their code and parameter files with the new version. Please add to this page.
- Carpet::poison_value parameter has been removed - remove this parameter from your parameter file
- WARNING[L1,P0] (CarpetReduce): Simulation domain volume and reduction weight sum differ. This warning sometimes appears frequently on standard output. It is being addressed in Ticket #419. For the moment, you can comment out the warnings around line 120 in Carpet/CarpetReduce/src/mask_test.c. This warning applies only to the results of reduction operations such as norms etc and should not affect evolutions.