Configuring a new machine

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Configuring a new machine

If your machine is not supported by SimFactory already, you will need to write your own option list, run script and (for a cluster) submit script.

Machine definition

When using SimFactory on a cluster, it needs to know a lot of information about the details of the cluster, provided in a "machine definition file" in simfactory/mdb/machines. For example, it needs to know the number of cores on each node. Copy one of the provided files, and adapt it to your machine. Getting this right is nontrivial.

When using SimFactory on your laptop or workstation (for which SimFactory naturally has no machine definition file), the "sim setup" command will write a suitable machine definition file automatically. "sim setup" does not support clusters and you have to manually configure things.

The following is based in stampede.ini:


gives the name of the machine that can be used with simfactory's --machine option. It must be unique among all machine definition files.

 nickname        = stampede
 name            = Stampede
 location        = TACC
 description     = A very large Linux cluster at TACC
 webpage         =
 status          = production

describe the machine they are used by simfactory when reporting in the machine but are arbitrary otherwise.

 hostname        =
 rsynccmd        = /home1/00507/eschnett/rsync-3.0.9/bin/rsync
 envsetup        = <<EOT
     module load intel/15.0.2
     module load mvapich2/2.1
     module -q load hdf5
     module load fftw3
     module load gsl
     module load boost
     module load papi
 aliaspattern    = ^login[1234](\.stampede\.tacc\.utexas\.edu)?$

hostname is the name of the login node used by simfactory's login and remote commands, envsetup is executed before each simfactory command (in particular during build and when running the simulation) to ensure a consistent set of libraries are loaded and finally aliaspattern is a regular expression used by simfactory to identify the machine. It must match all cluster login nodes.

 sourcebasedir   = /work/00507/@USER@
 disabled-thorns = <<EOT
 enabled-thorns = <<EOT

sourcebasedir is the root directory underneath which all Cactus trees are located, it should be large enough to hold multiple compiled Cactus checkouts. Some clusters do not provide all libraries to run all thorns in the Einstein Toolkit or they require alternative libraries (eg OpenBLAS instead of LAPACK), disabled-thorns and enabled-thorns let you choose which thorns to enable/disable in thornlists. enabled-thorns will remove a #DISABLED from lines in the thornlist, while disabled-thorns will add it.

 optionlist      = stampede-mvapich2.cfg
 submitscript    = stampede.sub
 runscript       =
 make            = make -j8

optionlist, submitscript and runscript are used when compiling and submitting simulations and are described in detail below. You can find examples in the subdirectories of simfactory/mdb. make is the command used to compile the code, it can contain extra arguments to enable for example parallel compilation.

The final set of options deals with the queuing system and characteristics of the machine.

 basedir         = /scratch/00507/@USER@/simulations
 cpu             = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 0 @ 2.70GHz
 cpufreq         = 2.7
 flop/cycle      = 8
 ppn             = 16
 spn             = 2
 mpn             = 2
 max-num-threads = 16
 num-threads     = 8
 memory          = 32768
 nodes           = 6400
 min-ppn         = 16
 allocation      = NO_ALLOCATION
 queue           = normal        # [normal, large, development]
 maxwalltime     = 48:00:00      # development has 4:0:0
 maxqueueslots   = 25            # there are 50, but jobs can take 2 slots

basedir is the root directory under which all simulations are created, this should live on a fast, parallel file system. cpu, cpufreq, flop/cycle, spn and mpn are currently unused by simfactory. spn is the number of CPU sockets per node, mpn is the number of NUMA domains per node (memory sockets). ppn is the nubmer of cores per node (historically called processors hence the p) which is passed by simfactory to the queuing system to request a certain number of cores per node. max-num-threads is the maximum number of threads that can be used, typically the same as ppn and num-threads is the default number of threads used, often the number of cores in a single NUMA domain. min-ppn is the minimum number of cores that need to be requested, often this is identical to ppn if the queuing system does not hanlde under-subscribing a node. memory is currently only used by simfactory's distribute utility script and nodes is only used to to abort if more nodes than are in the cluster are requested. allocation gives the allocation to which to charge runs on clusters where computer time is accounted for (which is almost all clusters at computing centres), queue is the default queue to submit to, often named "default", "batch", "production" or similar. maxwalltime is the maximum allowed run time for a single job, if a long running simulation is requested simfactory automatically splits it up into chunks of length no longer than maxwalltime. maxqueueslots is the maximum number of jobs that can be queued at the same time, a limit imposed on some clusters to reduce the load on the queue scheduler.

Please see SimFactory's online documentation for the exact definition of the terms that SimFactory uses to refer to cores, nodes, CPUs, processing units etc.

 submit          = sbatch @SCRIPTFILE@; sleep 5 # sleep 60
 getstatus       = squeue -j @JOB_ID@
 stop            = scancel @JOB_ID@
 submitpattern   = Submitted batch job ([0-9]+)
 statuspattern   = '@JOB_ID@ '
 queuedpattern   = ' PD '
 runningpattern  = ' (CF|CG|R|TO) '
 holdingpattern  = ' S '
 #exechost        = head -n 1 SIMFACTORY/NODES
 #exechostpattern = ^(\S+)
 stdout          = cat @SIMULATION_NAME@.out
 stderr          = cat @SIMULATION_NAME@.err
 stdout-follow   = tail -n 100 -f @SIMULATION_NAME@.out @SIMULATION_NAME@.err

submit, getstatus and stop are used by simfactory as the commands to submit a new job to the queuing system query the status of a running job and cancel a running job. You can use @JOB_ID@ to refer to the job's identifier in them. The respective pattern variables are regular exttssions simfactory matches against the ouput of the commands. submitpattern must capture (enclose in parenthesis) the actual job id so that it can be referred to as the first captured group ($1 in sed). statuspattern is used to select the line in getstatus's output that contains the actual job state information. The queuedpattern, runningpattern and holdingpattern pattens are used to identify job states, whichever matches first (in the order listed above) detemines the job state. stdout, stderr and stdout-follow are commands that simfactory executes during sim show-output to obtain the simulations log output, stdout-follow is used when the --follow option is specified to show output of a running segment. On some clusters the log output for running segments is not directly accessible from the head nodes and simfactory has to first log into one of the cluster nodes to gain access to the output. exechost and exechostpattern give the command and regulra exttssion used to obtain the host to log into. If they are specified stdout-follow is executed on that host, otherwise on the head node.

Option list

The options provided by Cactus are described in the Cactus documentation. This page provides additional information and recommendations.

The following is based on the ubuntu.cfg optionlist which can be found in simfactory/mdb/optionslists. Usually it is best to start from files describing a cluster that is similar, e.g. uses the same MPI stack and compilers, to the machine you would like to set up.

VERSION = 2012-09-28

Cactus will reconfigure when the VERSION string changes.


CPP = cpp
FPP = cpp
CC  = gcc
CXX = g++
F90 = gfortran

The C and Fortran preprocessors, and the C, C++, Fortran 77 and Fortran 90 compilers, are specified by these options. You can specify a full path if the compiler you want to use is not available on your default path. Note that it is strongly recommended to use compilers from the same family; e.g. don't mix the Intel C Compiler with the GNU Fortran Compiler.

Compilation and linking flags

FPPFLAGS = -traditional
CFLAGS   = -g3 -march=native -std=gnu99
CXXFLAGS = -g3 -march=native -std=gnu+11
F90FLAGS = -g3 -march=native -fcray-pointer -m128bit-long-double -ffixed-line-length-none
LDFLAGS  = -rdynamic

Cactus thorns can be written in C or C++. Cactus supports the C99 and C++11 standards respectively. Additionally, the Einstein Toolkit requires some of the GNU extensions provided by the options gnu99 / gnu++11. Without these options each feature required needs to be enabled manually, which is quite error prone. Both GNU and Intel compilers support these options.

-g3 ensures that debugging symbols are included in the object files. It is not necessary to set DEBUG = yes to get debugging symbols.

The rdynamic linker flag ensures that additional information is available in the executable for producing backtraces at runtime in the event of an internal error.




DEBUG           = no

When DEBUG = yes is set (e.g. on the make command line or with SimFactory's --debug option), these debug flags are used. The intention here is to disable optimisation and enable additional code which may slow down execution but makes the code easier to debug.


OPTIMISE           = yes
C_OPTIMISE_FLAGS   = -O2 -ffast-math
CXX_OPTIMISE_FLAGS = -O2 -ffast-math
F90_OPTIMISE_FLAGS = -O2 -ffast-math



PROFILE           = no


OPENMP           = yes
C_OPENMP_FLAGS   = -fopenmp
F90_OPENMP_FLAGS = -fopenmp


WARN           = yes
C_WARN_FLAGS   = -Wall
F90_WARN_FLAGS = -Wall


The Einstein toolkit thorns use a variety of third-party libraries like MPI or HDF5. These are usually provided by helper thorns in the ExternalLibaries arrangement. As a general rule, to enable a capability FOO add


to your ThornList and set FOO_DIR to the directory where the include and lib directories are found.


If no HDF5 options are given, then HDF5 will be used if it can be automatically detected from standard locations, and will be built from a source package in the HDF5 thorn if not. Alternatively you can specify HDF5_DIR to point to an HF5 installation, for example

HDF5_DIR = /usr/local/hdf5-1.9.1

The following options disable support for Fortran and C++ when building HDF5, as it is not required by the Einstein Toolkit.

HDF5_ENABLE_CXX     = no
MPI_DIR      = /usr
MPI_INC_DIRS = /usr/include/mpich2
MPI_LIB_DIRS = /usr/lib
MPI_LIBS     = mpich fmpich mpl

The correct values to use can be difficult to find out since MPI comes with its own compiler wrappers mpicc etc. that are expected to be used. Note that the thorn ExternalLibraries/MPI will often be able to determine the correct options if you set MPI_DIR = NO_BUILD, ensure that mpicxx (or similar) is found in $PATH and leave the other variables unset.

In cases where auto-detection fails (not unlikely on clusters), often, the mpicxx wrapper will come with options to query the values to use here.

MPI stack Options Comments
OpenMPI mpicxx -showme:compile and mpicc -showme:link
mpich (and mvapich) mpicxx -compile_info and mpicc -link_info
Intel mpiicxx -compile_info and mpiicxx -link_info impi is a derivative of mpich. Note the name of the wrapper is: mpiicxx (with an extra "i").
Cray please use the cc, CC, ftn wrappers and load the correct modules

Submission script

The submission script is used to submit a job to the queueing system. See the examples in simfactory/mdb/submitscripts, and create a new one for your cluster that uses the same queueing system.

Run script

The most important part of the run script is usually the set of modules that need to be loaded, and the mpirun command to use on the machine. See the examples in simfactory/mdb/runscripts, and create a new one for your cluster that is similar to one that already exists.