Hosting A Workshop
The Einstein Toolkit typically hosts workshops once a year in the US. Someone usually volunteers to organize one in the EU as well.
It is a good idea to start well in advance. Three or four months ahead is not too soon to start planning.
Here I am creating a checklist of things to do for a workshop:
- Decide on date and announce in ET meetings, ET mailing list , ET website, hyperspace.
- Arrange for coffee (and possibly bagels and muffins) in the morning. Coffee first!
- Get a web page for the event and place a listing on
- Signage to help people find their way to the workshop room(s)
- Reserve space for the event with your university
- Reserve IT support (zoom links, etc.)
- ensure that at least one local person is present for each session who can reset laptops, handle projectors, etc. Have a tested local laptop for announcements and to drive Zoom. Have that laptop's password known to the always around person.
- Prepare tutorial support
- Provide info for attendees:
- What airport to use
- What transport from the airport to use
- What hotels to use
- Arrange for guest parking
- Arrange for guest access internet (some people will not be able to use eduroam)
- Food
- Are there enough places in walking distance, or must breakfast and lunch be catered?
- Do you need to charge for registration to cover food?
- Outings
- Generally, there should be at least one outing or special dinner for the group
- Give credit to the local organizing committee
- Give credit to the scientific organizing committee
- Create a template schedule and solicit content to fill the week