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(comment on proposed release timeline)
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This page describes the release process in some detail.  Getting a release out of the door without embarrassing oversights requires a bit more planning and care than one would like.
This page describes the release process in some detail.  Getting a release out of the door without embarrassing oversights requires a bit more planning and care than one would like.
TODO: reformat this page as a checklist which can be marked up for each release as each item is addressed
== Timeline for a release and estimated time required ==
==Long-term planning==
# Form a release coordination team ('''6 months''') (''<span style="background:yellow">part of ET calls</span>'')
## a release coordinator
## a release coordinator assistant, who may be the release coordinator for the next release
## the former release coordinator to help out
## test runner(s) who will run the testsuites on the list of supported machines
## gallery runners for gallery examples
## final list may include others contributing directly to the release process
# Come up with release timeline (by translating the last release timeline forward in time), see ('''5 months''') (''<span style="background:yellow">30 minutes</span>''), see https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Details#Schedule_for_ET_2020_05
## Release coordinator needs write access to the following repos (or must arrange all needed changes with a repo maintainer)
### https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit
### https://github.com/einsteintoolkit/jupyter-et.git
### https://github.com/einsteintoolkit/simfactory2-www
## Frequently remind participants of timeline (''<span style="background:yellow">part of ET calls</span>'')
## Begin discussions on the mailing list, reminding people to look at test cases, review patches etc. (''<span style="background:yellow">5 minutes per week</span>'')
# Choose features which are going to be included, and those which won't be included ('''4 months''')
## ask for review volunteers, assign tasks to people (part of ET calls) e.g. https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Meeting_agenda#2020-09-10
## create tickets for each proposed item on https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org eg. https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2416
## Decide on a list of release-critical compute systems eg XSEDE, LCCF, DOE, PRACE: http://einsteintoolkit.org/testsuite_results/index.php
### get accounts for test runners
# Drive review of thorns for code quality, documentation, test cases ('''continuously''')
## Include positively reviewed and voted on items in main ET repositories
## Remove new features without reviewer or negatively reviewed from list of new features
## Frequently remind participants of timeline
# Start testing on release-critical compute systems ('''2 months''') (''<span style="background:yellow">30 minutes per week per cluster</span>'' to compile, run, check, upload)
## initially test to make sure clusters can still build code
## test code as they become positively reviewed (code is present in master before final positive review)
## report on test failures
## assign found bugs to volunteers
# Release preparation I ('''4 weeks''')
## Announce feature freeze based on currently positively reviewed components
## Collect list of new features, newsworthy items, and acknowledgements for release announcement on wiki (there’s a [https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Process#Changes_to_announce script] in the wiki to help with this) (''<span style="background:yellow">45 minutes</span>'')
## Create Zenodo item ([https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Process#drafting_Zenodo_entry notes]) (''<span style="background:yellow">1 hour</span>'')
### Send to maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org for review re typos etc.
### Include in "do you want to be included" email to contributors.
## Contact [https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Process#Contributors contributors] and [https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Process#Release_team release team] about permanent (contributors) and one-off (release team) inclusion in the ET author list (''<span style="background:yellow">10 minutes of work per author</span>'' to poke and prod them to respond). Include maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org in cc to have a record.
## announce final member list of release team:
::::* release coordinator(s)
::::* test runner(s)
::::* gallery example runner(s)
::::* reviewer(s)
::::* anyone putting in work specifically for the release
## Draft release announcement (''<span style="background:yellow">1 hour</span>'')
### send to maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org for review re typos etc.
## Announce release date publicly
# Release preparation II ('''1 week'''), detailed list of items and partial scripts at end of text
## Finalize announcement draft (''<span style="background:yellow">1 hour</span>'')
### Send to maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org for review re typos etc.
## Update einsteintoolkit.bib (https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/manifest/src/master/) with
### Update or add requested and suggested citations for all ET components in thorn list (''<span style="background:yellow">10 minutes</span>'').
### Latest release info and DOI (from Zenodo entry above)
### move requested-for for main ET cite (Zenodo)
## Update version information in Makefile, the documentation tex files and Baikal documentation.tex file [https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Process#update_version_information script] (''<span style="background:yellow">15 minutes</span>'')
## [https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Process#regenerate_files Regenerate] all auto-generated files (''30 minutes of work'', plus time to wait for Kranc)
## Create release branch and tag for all ET codes (''<span style="background:yellow">30 minutes</span>'')
## Update websites in a branch (''<span style="background:yellow">2 hours</span>'')
### EinsteinToolkit.org (https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Editing_the_Einstein_Toolkit_website ; be sure to update the main page; then about/releases/ET_202X_YZ_announcement.md; then from that directory run `mk_release_announcements.py ET_202X_YZ_announcement.md` [you'll need to `pip install markdown` for this to work]; then be sure to `git add` and commit the new files.)
### CactusCode.org (https://github.com/einsteintoolkit/www.cactuscode.org, see [https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Process#update-cactuscode below] for a script.
### Simfactory.org (https://github.com/einsteintoolkit/simfactory2-www/ make life using https://simfactory.org/update.php)
### CactusTutorial.ipynb (https://github.com/einsteintoolkit/jupyter-et.git)
### update docker image for tutorial server [https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Process#update-tutorial-image script], but do not yet push
# The release ('''0 days''')
## make all updated branches live (''<span style="background:yellow">30 min</span>'')
## push tutorial server docker image to Dockerhub (only Erik, Steve, Roland, Ian can do so)
## announce on users@einsteintoolkit.org, news@cactuscode.org (''<span style="background:yellow">5 min</span>'')
## http://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/ based on previous release announcement (''<span style="background:yellow">15 min</span>'')
## update Wikipedia Cactus entry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cactus_Framework (''<span style="background:yellow">5 min</span>'')
## Run the testsuite using the release code on all supported machines (''<span style="background:yellow">30 min per cluster</span>'')
## Update https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Process with lessons learned (''<span style="background:yellow">30 minutes</span>'')
A few months or weeks before the release:
== Helpful tools and notes ==
* Decide it is time to make another release
This section collects a handful of useful commands that may become critical
* Choose features which are going to be included, and those which won't be included
to guarantee the quality of the release. The descriptions below are quite
* Choose a tentative date
technical and intended for the developers and maintainers only.
* Begin discussions on the mailing list, reminding people to look at test cases, review patches etc.
=== add gallery runners ===
==One or two weeks before the release==
Gallery runners should be mentioned in their respective gallery example's ticket and should have the ticket assigned to them. This requires that they are a member of the Einstein Toolkit [https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/workspace/projects/ET bitbucket organization].
'''RH''' One or two weeks before the release seems much too late to review thorns for quality, docs, test-cases, and to decide on release critical systems. I would have expected this to have to happen at least a month before the release.
* Set up a wiki planning page for the release
* they must be invited to it using their email address on: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/workspace/settings/groups
* Ask for volunteers, assign tasks to people
* they should be made members of the the "All Members" and "gallery runners" groups. The former to be assigned the ticket, the latter to be able to upload files to the website repository and edit the web-pages
* Review thorns for code quality, documentation, test cases
* find the gallery ticket and use the "Edit" button to assign users
* Decide on a thorn list
** [https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2176/test-binary-neutron-star-example BNS]
* Decide on a list of release-critical systems
** [https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2172/test-binary-black-hole-gw150914-example BBH]
* Collect list of new features, newsworthy items, and acknowledgements for release announcement on wiki
** [https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2175/test-single-stable-neutron-star-example TOV]
* verify that gallery runs and example parfiles still work with new release
** [https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2174/test-multi-patch-scalar-wave-equation Scalar Wave]
* Choose a concrete date
** [https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2173/test-poisson-equation-example Poisson Equation]
* Announce date publicly
* gallery examples should be run using the "master" branch of the toolkit, that will become the release branch, of manifest and thornlist
* results should be archived in a tar archive as shown on https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/www/downloads/ and the archive name should include year, month and day of month YYYYMMDD following the pattern visible in the existing tar files. On ''macOS'' make sure to not include <code>__MACOSX</code> a folder. This is most easily achieved by using the command line <code>zip</code> tool and not a GUI tool or Finder (to be verified)
* some archives are large and special tools are needed to upload them, this is described in the ticket for the example
* after updating the archive, clone the website repo https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/www/src, edit the gallery page to point to the new archive file and update the "last run" line. Don't forget to update and add any images and plots you have regenerated. Verify the change by opening the html file in a local browsers. Commit and push to nmaster.
==One or two days before the release==
=== add testsuite runners ===
* Have a telecon with the release team, discuss (and modify if necessary) release process and responsibilities
* Get a list of all repositories that are involved (including repositories for tools such as GetComponents)
* Publicly declare a freeze on all involved thorns and tools
* Ensure that any manually-generated files are consistent (i.e. regenerate McLachlan, WeylScal4 and EinsteinExact from their source with the current version of Kranc, generate the Cactus autoconf script, the Cactus loop macros etc)
* Test all thorns on all systems, collect status reports on wiki
* verify that new users tutorial still works
* Update release planning wiki page with peoples', thorns', and systems' statuses
* Set up a (smaller) technical release team who will be available all day on the day of the release
* Draft release announcement
==The release==
Testsuite runners should be mentioned in [[Release Details]] next to heir assigned machine.
* Have the technical release team meet in the same room (brick, EVO, chat, phone)
* Briefly re-check status of thorns and machines
* Possibly disable all outside write access to all critical repositories
* * cvs: ???
* * svn: <nowiki>svn copy https://<repository-server>/<repository-path>/trunk https://<repository-server>/<repository-path>/branches/ET_2011_05</nowiki>
* * darcs: clone the repository, appending a suffix to the name
* * git: git push origin origin:refs/heads/ET_2011_05
* * hg: ???
* Possibly update version numbers in stable/development branches
* Update component lists to point to new stable version
* Check out release branch on all systems, re-run all quick tests
* Update documentation on web sites (set up fresh copies of pdfs/htmls)
* Update tutorials on web sites (update version numbers, urls)
* Re-enable write access to all repositories
* Finalise release announcement
* ANNOUNCE: users@einsteintoolkit.org, {news|users}@cactuscode.org, Jennifer Claudet <jennifer@cct.lsu.edu> for AllCCT, http://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/, http://astro-sim.org/, HPCWire
==After the release==
Instructions on how to test and upload are on [[Testsuite Machines]].
* Watch mailing lists for problem reports
* Use released version to repeat a few production simulations
* Update this page with new lessons learned
=Helpful Tools=
Test runners should be added to the "testsuite runners" group in the Einstein Toolkit [https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/workspace/projects/ET bitbucket organization].
This section collects a handful of useful commands that may become critical
=== update developers.txt ===
to guarantee the quality of the release. The descriptions below are quite
technical and intended for the developers and maintainers only.
Inside https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/www/src/master/ , you will find a developers.txt file, which needs to be updated with any new developers for this release. Any developers who helped with the last release but have not yet contributed code to the Toolkit need to be removed, and likewise any new folks who contributed to this release need to be added.
There is a script below under "Other Stuff" for getting the contributors from the git repos.
After updating, run
Next, update zenodo.py. It contains the hard-coded information in between the <code>EDIT BELOW</code> and <code>EDIT ABOVE</code> tags.
  release_team = [
    "Zachariah B. Etienne",
    "Roland Haas",
    "Steven R. Brandt",
    "William E. Gabella",
    "Peter Diener",
    "Atul Kedia",
    "Miguel Gracia",
  contributers = [
    "Roland Haas",
    "Steven R. Brandt",
  et_release = "ET_2021_05"
  et_release_codename = "Lorentz"
  et_description = ...
Publish to the sandbox (following the steps below). Once that is done and reviewed, it can be published without --sandbox.
=== drafting Zenodo entry ===
# get Steve Brandt's personal access token for zenodo.org
# create your own personal access token for sandbox.zenodo.org:
# https://sandbox.zenodo.org/account/settings/applications/tokens/new/
# note down ID of "Einstein Toolkit" (will change each release)
ZENODO_PREVIOUS_ID=$(python3 ./zenodo.py --list | perl -n -e '/(\d*) The Einstein Toolkit/ && print ($1) && exit 0')
# This will generate Definition.md and zupload.py (metadata)
rm Definition.md zupload.py
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_PREVIOUS_ID --generate
# recreate current release in sandbox, note that zenodo.py will use
# SANDBOX_ZENODO_ACCESS token and sanbox.zenodo.org when --sandbox is used.
# note down ID of the deposit
ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID=$(python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --create zupload.py | perl -n -e '/(\d*) The Einstein Toolkit/ && print ($1) && exit 0')
# publish current release in sandbox
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id $ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID --deposit Definition.md
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id $ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID --publish
# now we make the new release
# Edit the lines in zenodo.py that are between the Edit Below/Edit Above comments.
# This includes the release, the code name, the release team, etc.
vi zenodo.py
# This will generate Definition.md and zupload.py (metadata)
rm Definition.md zupload.py
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id $ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID --generate
# create a new version in sandbox
# and note down its id
ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID=$(python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id $ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID --newversion | perl -n -e '/(\d*) The Einstein Toolkit/ && print ($1) && exit 0')
# upload updated metadata (zenodo.py)
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id $ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID --upload
# deposit updated dummy file
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id $ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID --deposit Definition.md
# publish new version (cannot be undone)
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id $ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID --publish
# create a new version in real Zenodo but *do not* publish (yet)
# and not down its id
ZENODO_ID=$(python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --newversion | perl -n -e '/(\d*) The Einstein Toolkit/ && print ($1) && exit 0')
echo "Zenodo ID is: $ZENODO_ID."
echo "You write down this ID."
# generate metadata for actual Zenodo (different DOI!)
rm Definition.md zupload.py
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --generate
# upload updated metadata (zenodo.py)
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --upload
# deposit updated dummy file
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --deposit Definition.md
# re-download and check what we think we deposited
mv Definition.md Definition.md.bak
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --retrieve Definition.md
diff --report-identical-files Definition.md.bak Definition.md
# display prereserved DOI of draft submission
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --show-doi
Send the Zenodo entry from the sandbox to [mailto:maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org] for proofreading, include in "do you want to be included" email to contributors.
=== final Zenodo entry ===
This replicates the latter steps of the draft to create a new entry on the real Zenodo site. Do so *only* after the draft has been reviewed since it cannot be undone.
# note down ID of newest (topmost) "Einstein Toolkit" draft,
# this should be identical to the one you wrote down earlier
ZENODO_ID=$(python3 ./zenodo.py --list-draft | perl -n -e '/(\d*) The Einstein Toolkit/ && print ($1) && exit 0')
# update metadata in case developers.txt has been changed
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --upload
# publish new version (cannot be undone)
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --publish
At this point you can download the bibtex entry from the Zenodo link. With a few minor edits it should be suitable for inserting into the einsteintoolkit.bib in the manifest.
=== update version information ===
* update version information in <code>flesh/Makefile</code> in the <code>CCTK_VERSION_XXX</code> variables
* update version information in  <code>flesh/doc/latex/cactus.sty</code> in the <code>\cactustitlepage</code> command
export CCTK_VERSION=Cactus_4.X.0
CCTK_VERSION_MINOR=$(echo $CCTK_VERSION | cut -f2 -d.)
sed -i 's/\\cactustitlepage}\[4\]\[4\..*\]/\\cactustitlepage}[4][4.'$CCTK_VERSION_MINOR']/' doc/latex/cactus.sty
git add Makefile doc/latex/cactus.sty
git commit -m 'Cactus: update version in information in Makefile and docs'
* regenerate the documentation PDF files
make UsersGuide ReferenceManual MaintGuide
cd doc
# commit changed files
git commit -a -m 'Cactus: regenerate documentation' || true
=== regenerate files ===
* regenerate McLachlan, WeylScal4, CTThorns, and EinsteinExact from their source with the current version of Kranc by running <code>make -j NJOBS</code> in their respective <code>m</code> directory.
* check that BaikalVaccum and Baikal can be regenerated using the nrpytutorial hash listed in their README file using <code>cd BaikalETK && make</code>
* Next run the following script, which
** generates the Cactus configure script by running <code>autoconf2.13</code> in <code>lib/make</code>
** generates the Cactus loop macros by running <code>perl cctk_Loop.h.pl</code> in <code>src/include</code>
** generates UsersGuide, ReferenceManual and MaintGuide pdf files by running <code>make UsersGuide ReferenceManual MaintGuide</code>
cd lib/make
# commit changed files
git commit -a -m 'Cactus: regenerate configure' || true
cd ../../src/include
perl cctk_Loop.h.pl
# commit changed files
git commit -a -m 'Cactus: regenerate cctk_Loop.h' || true
=== create branches ===
* Important! Before this step, add the new bibtex entry to einsteintoolkit.bib in https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/manifest.git
** This relies on the bibtex entry from zenodo, so make the zenodo entry first!
** The https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/manifest.git repo has a script called "utf8ToLaTeX.pl" to fix special characters in people's names
* Create release branches for all repositories in the ET
** A new ET branch ET_YYYY_MM
** A new ET tag ET_YYYY_MM_v0
** A new Cactus branch Cactus_4.X.0 if in CactusCode
** A new Cactus tag Cactus_4.X.0_v0 if in CactusCode
* '''Note''': SelfForce-1D is not automatically downloaded with GetComponents, so the repo can either be manually cloned into the repos directory or the branch and tag can be made and pushed separately from the script
# This script is run from inside the repos directory
export CCTK_VERSION=Cactus_4.X.0
set -x -e
for repo in */.git ; do
  cd $repo/..
  if git branch -a | grep -q origin/$ET_RELEASE ; then
    echo "Already pushed"
    cd - >/dev/null
  if ! grep -q 'fetch  *= *[+]refs/heads/[*]' .git/config ; then
    # unshallow in case --no-shallow was not passed to GetComponents
    if `git rev-parse --is-shallow-repository` ; then
      git fetch --unshallow
    git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"
    git fetch origin
  repo_name=$(basename $PWD)
  git checkout -b $ET_RELEASE
  if [ $repo_name = manifest ] ; then
    sed -i "/!DEFINE  *COMPONENTLIST_TARGET/a \\\\n!DEFINE ET_RELEASE = $ET_RELEASE" einsteintoolkit.th
    sed -i '/!URL/a \!REPO_BRANCH = $ET_RELEASE' einsteintoolkit.th
    sed -i 's!/trunk!/branches/$ET_RELEASE!' einsteintoolkit.th
    git add einsteintoolkit.th
    git commit -m 'einsteintoolkit.th: use release branch'
  git tag ${ET_RELEASE}_v0
  git push --tags --set-upstream origin $ET_RELEASE
  if git remote get-url origin | grep cactuscode ; then
    git branch $CCTK_VERSION
    git tag ${CCTK_VERSION}_v0
    git push --tags --set-upstream origin $CCTK_VERSION
  cd - >/dev/null
  sleep 5 # bitbucket enforces some rate limit on pushes its seems
* create a new version and milestone on https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/admin/issues/versions and https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/admin/issues/milestones
=== update websites and online documentation ===
* Update main ET web site (update version numbers, urls), searching for <code>ET_YYYY_MM</code> finds them all
<pre id="update-et-website">
set -e -x
export EDITOR=vim
export ET_RELEASE=ET_2024_11
export ET_RELEASE_CODENAME_FULL="Annie Jump Cannon"
export PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE_URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lev_Landau"
export ET_RELEASE_URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_Jump_Cannon"
export ET_RELEASE_DATE="December 2nd, 2024"
export ET_RELEASE_DATE_ISO=2024-12-02
ALL_FILES=$(git grep -l "\($PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE\|$PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE_CODENAME\)"  | grep -v 'about/releases/' | grep -vF past-releases.html | grep -vF publications/2013_MHD/index.php | grep -vF developers. | grep -vF members.txt | grep -vF mp.html)
# update URL first since it tends to include the release codename
sed -i "s!$PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE_URL!$ET_RELEASE_URL!g" index.html
# update release names
# release date
sed -i "s/[(]released on [^)]*[)]/(released on $ET_RELEASE_DATE)/g" download.html
# update past reelases, mark this one as most recent
# TODO: use something other than sed for this
sed -i -e '/List of Einstein Toolkit releases:/{n;b add_release}' -e 'b end' -e ':add_release;a\
          <li>'$ET_RELEASE' "'"$ET_RELEASE_CODENAME_FULL"'", <a href="about/releases/'$ET_RELEASE'_announcement.html">released '$ET_RELEASE_DATE_ISO'</a>\
          </li>' -e ':end' past-releases.html
# add news item to front page
$EDITOR index.html
git diff
git add $ALL_FILES past-releases.html download.html index.html
git commit -m "update to $ET_RELEASE"
echo 'Use git show and git commit --amend to correct mistakes'
:* Update simfactory.org https://github.com/EinsteinToolkit/simfactory2-www.git
sed -i "s/$PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE/$ET_RELEASE/g" simfactory/download/index.php
:* update CactusTutorial.ipynb in https://github.com/einsteintoolkit/jupyter-et.git
sed -i "s/$PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE/$ET_RELEASE/g" CactusTutorial.ipynb
sed -i "s/kuibit==[0-9.]*/kuibit==$KUIBIT_RELEASE/" CactusTutorial.ipynb
From the https://github.com/einsteintoolkit/jupyter-et repo, do the following
<pre id="update-tutorial-image">
cd tutorial-server
sed -i "s/ENV ET_RELEASE.*/ENV ET_RELEASE ${ET_RELEASE}/" base.docker
git add base.docker
git commit -m "All changes for the $ET_RELEASE release"
touch variables.env
docker-compose -f docker-compose.base.yml build --no-cache --pull 2>&1 | tee docker-compose.base.log
docker-compose -f docker-compose.base.yml push
for c in notebook cilogon cyol ; do
    docker-compose -f docker-compose.$c.yml build 2>&1 | tee docker-compose.$c.log
    docker-compose -f docker-compose.$c.yml push
The tutorial server at https://etk.cct.lsu.edu checks for a new image once a day.
* To update cactuscode.org: <code>git clone git@github.com:EinsteinToolkit/www.cactuscode.org.git</code>
<pre id="update-cactuscode">
set -e -x
ET_DATE="$(date +"%B %d, %Y")"
AUTHOR="$(git config --get user.name)"
cd media/news
# keep the mkdir below to so that it fails if the output directories already
# exist
mkdir -p $ET_RELEASE
sed -i "s!$PREVIOUS_ET_NAME!$ET_NAME!g" $ET_RELEASE/index.md
sed -i "s!$PREVIOUS_ET_ITER!$ET_ITER!g" $ET_RELEASE/index.md
sed -i "s!^### .*!### $ET_DATE $AUTHOR!" $ET_RELEASE/index.md
mkdir -p cactus_$CACTUS_VERSION
sed -i "s!${PREVIOUS_CACTUS_VERSION//./[.]}!$CACTUS_VERSION!g;" cactus_$CACTUS_VERSION/index.md
sed -i "s!$PREVIOUS_ET_NAME!$ET_NAME!g" cactus_$CACTUS_VERSION/index.md
sed -i "s!^### .*!### $ET_DATE $AUTHOR!" cactus_$CACTUS_VERSION/index.md
cat >../../_data/news.yml <<EOF
- date: "$ET_DATE"
  link: "$ET_RELEASE/index.html"
  title: 'Einstein Toolkit "$ET_NAME" Release'
- date: "$ET_DATE"
  link: "cactus_$CACTUS_VERSION/index.html"
  title: 'Cactus $CACTUS_VERSION Release'
git add ../../_data/news.yml $ET_RELEASE/index.md cactus_$CACTUS_VERSION/index.md
git commit -m "news: add $ET_RELEASE announcement"
* update Cactus Wikipedia entry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cactus_Framework
=== release anouncement issues ===
* Ensure email does not go past column 72 to support old email clients.
* Send the announcement to the release team and maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org to ensure that the email client and/or server does not scramble the text in any way.
* ANNOUNCE: users@einsteintoolkit.org, news@cactuscode.org, users@cactuscode.org
* ANNOUNCE: http://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/
** Keywords used on hyperspace: Einstein Toolkit, numerical relativity, cactus, carpet, software
** In the URL section, put the html link.
** No manual breaks or non-ascii characters.
** Post as a news item.
** must be short enough to be acceptable: compare http://einsteintoolkit.org/about/releases/ET_2020_05_announcement.html and https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2020/06/02/the-twentieth-release-of-the-einstein-toolkit-2/ . The hypersapce editor says that https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2020/06/02/the-twentieth-release-of-the-einstein-toolkit-2/ is now of appropriate length.
===Other stuff===
==== Changes to announce ====
First grab the latest dev version:
curl -kLO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gridaphobe/CRL/master/GetComponents
chmod a+x GetComponents
./GetComponents --no-shallow --parallel --no-anonymous https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/manifest/raw/master/einsteintoolkit.th
git clone git@bitbucket.org:peterdiener/selfforce-1d.git Cactus/repos/SelfForce-1D
==Technical Details==
Then in that directory, the following script may be helpful in figuring out what has changed since the last
On einsteintoolkit.org...
FORMAT="%h %ae %an: %s"
echo -n > .people.txt
for i in repos/*/.git
  export GIT_DIR=$i
  DEFAULT_BRANCH=$(git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD | sed 's@^refs/remotes/origin/@@')
  REPO_URL=$(git remote get-url origin | sed 's!git@!https://!;s!:\([^/]\)!/\1!;s![.]git$!!;')
  if [[ $REPO_URL == *bitbucket* ]]; then
  elif [[ $REPO_URL == *github* ]]; then
  echo "========================="
  echo "CHANGES FOR $(dirname $i) $COMMIT_URL"
  git fetch --tags 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
  git log --format="$FORMAT" ${TAG}..${DEFAULT_BRANCH} -- 2>/dev/null
  git log --format="%an %ae" ${TAG}..${DEFAULT_BRANCH} 2>/dev/null >> .people.txt
  if [ $E != 0 ]
    # Pick your desired behavior in the absense of tags
    echo " >> TAG ${TAG} missing for repo, using date."
    git log --format="$FORMAT" $(git rev-list -n 1 --before="${DATE} 00:00" ${DEFAULT_BRANCH})..${DEFAULT_BRANCH} --
    git log --format="%an %ae" $(git rev-list -n 1 --before="${DATE} 00:00" ${DEFAULT_BRANCH})..${DEFAULT_BRANCH} -- >> .people.txt 2>/dev/null
    #echo " >> TAG ${TAG} missing for repo, assume it's a new contribution"
    #git log --format="$FORMAT" --
    #git log --format="%an %ae" -- >> .people.txt 2>/dev/null
done |& tee full.txt
sort -u < .people.txt > people.txt
rm .people.txt
cat people.txt
ThornGuide.php is in /www/einstein/www/documentation
Note that when analyzing the output from the *nrpytutorial/* repo, you'll need to be careful to only check for changes to NRPyPN; all other changes are not ET related.
It draws on the autogenerated http doc files, which are found here:
This misses changes in subversion repositories, currently only in <code>ExternalLibraries</code> which can be queried manually using <code>svn log</code> and usually contain very few changes.
This misses new repositories (or at best only considers recent changes to them).
Possible installation strategy to be followed when a new release is available.
=== Emails to send to contributors and gallery runners ===
cd /var/www/einstein
==== Contributors ====
curl -kLO https://build-test.barrywardell.net/job/EinsteinToolkit/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/doc/HTML.tar.gz
tar xzf HTML.tar.gz
mv documentation old.documentation
mv HTML documentation
# check that everything looks good
rm -fr old.documentation
Other stuff
In preparation for the upcoming "$RELEASE" release of the Einstein Toolkit I am collecting information about all who contributed to this release of the Einstein Toolkit. All contributors will be listed as authors as shown in this draft
On https://stevenrbrandt@bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/www.git
Create new docs in about/releases/
On https://svn.cactuscode.org/www
You are shown as a contributor to $CODE in
Create the announcement in media/news/recent.php and associated links.
Visit http://cactuscode.org/x.php to make the change live.
News announcement to users@einsteintoolkit.org, users@cactuscode.org, news@cactuscode.org, allcct@cct.lsu.edu
Post to Ad, news on http://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/
Since you therefore contributed to this release, would you agree to be listed as an author in this and all future releases of the Einstein Toolkit?
Post announcement to the Einstein Toolkit Facebook page.
If you agree to be listed I will add the information found here
Update and commit the changes to the thornlist in the manifest
Create the git tags and branches: ET_2018_02_v0, Cactus_4.4.0
    in each git repo:
        git tag ET_2018_02_v0; git push origin ET_2018_02_v0
        git checkout -b ET_2018_02; git push origin ET_2018_02
    use "git fetch -t" to get the latest tags.
Create svn tags and branches
  for i in BLAS LORENE GSL PETSc LAPACK FFTW3 pciutils  hwloc OpenBLAS MPI OpenCL HDF5 PAPI zlib libjpeg
      cd /home/sbrandt/cactus/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/$i
      svn copy https://svn.cactuscode.org/projects/ExternalLibraries/$i/trunk \
          https://svn.cactuscode.org/projects/ExternalLibraries/$i/tags/ET_2018_02_v0 \
          -m "Tagging release ET_2018_02"
for i in BLAS LORENE GSL PETSc LAPACK FFTW3 pciutils  hwloc OpenBLAS MPI OpenCL HDF5 PAPI zlib libjpeg
    cd /home/sbrandt/cactus/Cactus/arrangements/ExternalLibraries/$i
    svn copy https://svn.cactuscode.org/projects/ExternalLibraries/$i/trunk \
        https://svn.cactuscode.org/projects/ExternalLibraries/$i/branches/ET_2018_02 \
        -m "New branch for release ET_2018_02"
to Zenodo.
==Creating and working with git branches==
Please let me or any of the other maintainers know, no later than $DEADLINE_DATE, if you agree to be included as an author and whether the information shown is correct. If there are additional persons that should be listed as authors, please let myself or one of the other maintainers know soon, so that they can be contacted.
Some basic git commands to create and work with branches:
Check in your local repository which branch you are in:
To the main contributor (champion) send a request for citations
%git branch
* master
Check the branches of your project in the remote repository:
For each component the Einstein Toolkit keeps track of requested ("required") and suggested ("optional") citations that those who use the component should cite.
%git branch -r
These are listed on:
Create a new branch called test:
%git checkout -b test
and auto-generated from the main bibtex file (einsteintoolkit.bib) using the suggested-for and requested-for tags.
Switched to a new branch "test"
%git branch 
* test
Work on files in that branch:
For you contributions, if you have any, please send me bibtex entries (in SPIRES style, see the beginning of
%vi test.txt
Verify the status of files you modified in that branch:
%git status
for the desired format) of any requested and suggested citations.
  # On branch test
  # Untracked files:
  #  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
  #      test.txt
  nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
Add the file(s) edited to the git stage area:
Typically we would suggest one requested citation and any number of suggested citations (eg for optional features or secondary citations).
%git add test.txt
Websites and Zenodo DOIs are fine, it does not have to be a published paper (though having a DOI would be good).
%git status
  # On branch test
  # Changes to be committed:
  #  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
  #      new file:  test.txt
Commit your changes to your local repository:
%git commit -m "test file only"
==== Release team ====
  Created commit 14644af: test file only
  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
  create mode 100644 test.txt
Now you want to push these changes to a remote repository that you have
in preparation for the upcoming "$RELEASE" release of the Einstein Toolkit I am collecting information about the release team for this release of the Einstein Toolkit. All release team members will be listed as authors in
writing permission:
%git push origin test
Note however that, unless git is configured so, your local branch of "test"
Since you are a member of the release team, would you agree to be listed as an author in this release of the Einstein Toolkit?
does not track any changes committed by others to the remote branch "test".
Maybe the simplest way to proceed then is just to delete your local branch:
%git branch -D test
If you agree to be listed I will add the information found here
Deleted branch test.
and checkout the remote branch you just created but letting git know you want
to track remote changes to that branch as well:
%git checkout --track -b test origin/test
to Zenodo.
You may want to see how two branches differ or how your modifications of the
Please let me or any of the other maintainers know, no later than $DEADLINE_DATE, if you agree to be included as an author and whether the information shown is correct. If there are additional persons that should be listed as authors, please let myself or one of the other maintainers know soon, so that they can be contacted.
branch compare to the HEAD of the branch, for example. Suppose you just
added the test.txt file to the staged git area called the index. To know  
the difference between the index and the HEAD, essentially what would be  
committed if 'git commit' is issued, just use git diff as follows:
%git diff  --cached
  diff --git a/test.txt b/test.txt
  new file mode 100644
  index 0000000..373c7b0
  --- /dev/null
  +++ b/test.txt
  @@ -0,0 +1 @@
  +Hello, world!

Latest revision as of 21:19, 10 December 2024

Release Process

This page describes the release process in some detail. Getting a release out of the door without embarrassing oversights requires a bit more planning and care than one would like.

Timeline for a release and estimated time required

  1. Form a release coordination team (6 months) (part of ET calls)
    1. a release coordinator
    2. a release coordinator assistant, who may be the release coordinator for the next release
    3. the former release coordinator to help out
    4. test runner(s) who will run the testsuites on the list of supported machines
    5. gallery runners for gallery examples
    6. final list may include others contributing directly to the release process
  2. Come up with release timeline (by translating the last release timeline forward in time), see (5 months) (30 minutes), see https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Details#Schedule_for_ET_2020_05
    1. Release coordinator needs write access to the following repos (or must arrange all needed changes with a repo maintainer)
      1. https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit
      2. https://github.com/einsteintoolkit/jupyter-et.git
      3. https://github.com/einsteintoolkit/simfactory2-www
    2. Frequently remind participants of timeline (part of ET calls)
    3. Begin discussions on the mailing list, reminding people to look at test cases, review patches etc. (5 minutes per week)
  3. Choose features which are going to be included, and those which won't be included (4 months)
    1. ask for review volunteers, assign tasks to people (part of ET calls) e.g. https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Meeting_agenda#2020-09-10
    2. create tickets for each proposed item on https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org eg. https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2416
    3. Decide on a list of release-critical compute systems eg XSEDE, LCCF, DOE, PRACE: http://einsteintoolkit.org/testsuite_results/index.php
      1. get accounts for test runners
  4. Drive review of thorns for code quality, documentation, test cases (continuously)
    1. Include positively reviewed and voted on items in main ET repositories
    2. Remove new features without reviewer or negatively reviewed from list of new features
    3. Frequently remind participants of timeline
  5. Start testing on release-critical compute systems (2 months) (30 minutes per week per cluster to compile, run, check, upload)
    1. initially test to make sure clusters can still build code
    2. test code as they become positively reviewed (code is present in master before final positive review)
    3. report on test failures
    4. assign found bugs to volunteers
  6. Release preparation I (4 weeks)
    1. Announce feature freeze based on currently positively reviewed components
    2. Collect list of new features, newsworthy items, and acknowledgements for release announcement on wiki (there’s a script in the wiki to help with this) (45 minutes)
    3. Create Zenodo item (notes) (1 hour)
      1. Send to maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org for review re typos etc.
      2. Include in "do you want to be included" email to contributors.
    4. Contact contributors and release team about permanent (contributors) and one-off (release team) inclusion in the ET author list (10 minutes of work per author to poke and prod them to respond). Include maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org in cc to have a record.
    5. announce final member list of release team:
  • release coordinator(s)
  • test runner(s)
  • gallery example runner(s)
  • reviewer(s)
  • anyone putting in work specifically for the release
    1. Draft release announcement (1 hour)
      1. send to maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org for review re typos etc.
    2. Announce release date publicly
  1. Release preparation II (1 week), detailed list of items and partial scripts at end of text
    1. Finalize announcement draft (1 hour)
      1. Send to maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org for review re typos etc.
    2. Update einsteintoolkit.bib (https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/manifest/src/master/) with
      1. Update or add requested and suggested citations for all ET components in thorn list (10 minutes).
      2. Latest release info and DOI (from Zenodo entry above)
      3. move requested-for for main ET cite (Zenodo)
    3. Update version information in Makefile, the documentation tex files and Baikal documentation.tex file script (15 minutes)
    4. Regenerate all auto-generated files (30 minutes of work, plus time to wait for Kranc)
    5. Create release branch and tag for all ET codes (30 minutes)
    6. Update websites in a branch (2 hours)
      1. EinsteinToolkit.org (https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Editing_the_Einstein_Toolkit_website ; be sure to update the main page; then about/releases/ET_202X_YZ_announcement.md; then from that directory run `mk_release_announcements.py ET_202X_YZ_announcement.md` [you'll need to `pip install markdown` for this to work]; then be sure to `git add` and commit the new files.)
      2. CactusCode.org (https://github.com/einsteintoolkit/www.cactuscode.org, see below for a script.
      3. Simfactory.org (https://github.com/einsteintoolkit/simfactory2-www/ make life using https://simfactory.org/update.php)
      4. CactusTutorial.ipynb (https://github.com/einsteintoolkit/jupyter-et.git)
      5. update docker image for tutorial server script, but do not yet push
  2. The release (0 days)
    1. make all updated branches live (30 min)
    2. push tutorial server docker image to Dockerhub (only Erik, Steve, Roland, Ian can do so)
    3. announce on users@einsteintoolkit.org, news@cactuscode.org (5 min)
    4. http://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/ based on previous release announcement (15 min)
    5. update Wikipedia Cactus entry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cactus_Framework (5 min)
    6. Run the testsuite using the release code on all supported machines (30 min per cluster)
    7. Update https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Process with lessons learned (30 minutes)

Helpful tools and notes

This section collects a handful of useful commands that may become critical to guarantee the quality of the release. The descriptions below are quite technical and intended for the developers and maintainers only.

add gallery runners

Gallery runners should be mentioned in their respective gallery example's ticket and should have the ticket assigned to them. This requires that they are a member of the Einstein Toolkit bitbucket organization.

  • they must be invited to it using their email address on: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/workspace/settings/groups
  • they should be made members of the the "All Members" and "gallery runners" groups. The former to be assigned the ticket, the latter to be able to upload files to the website repository and edit the web-pages
  • find the gallery ticket and use the "Edit" button to assign users
  • gallery examples should be run using the "master" branch of the toolkit, that will become the release branch, of manifest and thornlist
  • results should be archived in a tar archive as shown on https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/www/downloads/ and the archive name should include year, month and day of month YYYYMMDD following the pattern visible in the existing tar files. On macOS make sure to not include __MACOSX a folder. This is most easily achieved by using the command line zip tool and not a GUI tool or Finder (to be verified)
  • some archives are large and special tools are needed to upload them, this is described in the ticket for the example
  • after updating the archive, clone the website repo https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/www/src, edit the gallery page to point to the new archive file and update the "last run" line. Don't forget to update and add any images and plots you have regenerated. Verify the change by opening the html file in a local browsers. Commit and push to nmaster.

add testsuite runners

Testsuite runners should be mentioned in Release Details next to heir assigned machine.

Instructions on how to test and upload are on Testsuite Machines.

Test runners should be added to the "testsuite runners" group in the Einstein Toolkit bitbucket organization.

update developers.txt

Inside https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/www/src/master/ , you will find a developers.txt file, which needs to be updated with any new developers for this release. Any developers who helped with the last release but have not yet contributed code to the Toolkit need to be removed, and likewise any new folks who contributed to this release need to be added.

There is a script below under "Other Stuff" for getting the contributors from the git repos.

After updating, run


Next, update zenodo.py. It contains the hard-coded information in between the EDIT BELOW and EDIT ABOVE tags.

 release_team = [
   "Zachariah B. Etienne",
   "Roland Haas",
   "Steven R. Brandt",
   "William E. Gabella",
   "Peter Diener",
   "Atul Kedia",
   "Miguel Gracia",
 contributers = [
   "Roland Haas",
   "Steven R. Brandt",
 et_release = "ET_2021_05"
 et_release_codename = "Lorentz"
 et_description = ...

Publish to the sandbox (following the steps below). Once that is done and reviewed, it can be published without --sandbox.

drafting Zenodo entry

# get Steve Brandt's personal access token for zenodo.org
# create your own personal access token for sandbox.zenodo.org:
# https://sandbox.zenodo.org/account/settings/applications/tokens/new/

# note down ID of "Einstein Toolkit" (will change each release)
ZENODO_PREVIOUS_ID=$(python3 ./zenodo.py --list | perl -n -e '/(\d*) The Einstein Toolkit/ && print ($1) && exit 0')

# This will generate Definition.md and zupload.py (metadata)
rm Definition.md zupload.py
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_PREVIOUS_ID --generate

# recreate current release in sandbox, note that zenodo.py will use
# SANDBOX_ZENODO_ACCESS token and sanbox.zenodo.org when --sandbox is used.
# note down ID of the deposit
ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID=$(python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --create zupload.py | perl -n -e '/(\d*) The Einstein Toolkit/ && print ($1) && exit 0')

# publish current release in sandbox
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id $ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID --deposit Definition.md
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id $ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID --publish

# now we make the new release

# Edit the lines in zenodo.py that are between the Edit Below/Edit Above comments.
# This includes the release, the code name, the release team, etc.
vi zenodo.py

# This will generate Definition.md and zupload.py (metadata)
rm Definition.md zupload.py
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id $ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID --generate

# create a new version in sandbox
# and note down its id
ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID=$(python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id $ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID --newversion | perl -n -e '/(\d*) The Einstein Toolkit/ && print ($1) && exit 0')

# upload updated metadata (zenodo.py)
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id $ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID --upload

# deposit updated dummy file
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id $ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID --deposit Definition.md
# publish new version (cannot be undone)
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id $ZENODO_SANDBOX_ID --publish

# create a new version in real Zenodo but *do not* publish (yet)
# and not down its id
ZENODO_ID=$(python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --newversion | perl -n -e '/(\d*) The Einstein Toolkit/ && print ($1) && exit 0')

echo "Zenodo ID is: $ZENODO_ID."
echo "You write down this ID."

# generate metadata for actual Zenodo (different DOI!)
rm Definition.md zupload.py
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --generate

# upload updated metadata (zenodo.py)
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --upload

# deposit updated dummy file
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --deposit Definition.md

# re-download and check what we think we deposited
mv Definition.md Definition.md.bak
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --retrieve Definition.md
diff --report-identical-files Definition.md.bak Definition.md

# display prereserved DOI of draft submission
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --show-doi

Send the Zenodo entry from the sandbox to maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org for proofreading, include in "do you want to be included" email to contributors.

final Zenodo entry

This replicates the latter steps of the draft to create a new entry on the real Zenodo site. Do so *only* after the draft has been reviewed since it cannot be undone.


# note down ID of newest (topmost) "Einstein Toolkit" draft,
# this should be identical to the one you wrote down earlier
ZENODO_ID=$(python3 ./zenodo.py --list-draft | perl -n -e '/(\d*) The Einstein Toolkit/ && print ($1) && exit 0')

# update metadata in case developers.txt has been changed
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --upload

# publish new version (cannot be undone)
python3 ./zenodo.py --id $ZENODO_ID --publish

At this point you can download the bibtex entry from the Zenodo link. With a few minor edits it should be suitable for inserting into the einsteintoolkit.bib in the manifest.

update version information

  • update version information in flesh/Makefile in the CCTK_VERSION_XXX variables
  • update version information in flesh/doc/latex/cactus.sty in the \cactustitlepage command
export CCTK_VERSION=Cactus_4.X.0
CCTK_VERSION_MINOR=$(echo $CCTK_VERSION | cut -f2 -d.)
sed -i 's/\\cactustitlepage}\[4\]\[4\..*\]/\\cactustitlepage}[4][4.'$CCTK_VERSION_MINOR']/' doc/latex/cactus.sty
git add Makefile doc/latex/cactus.sty
git commit -m 'Cactus: update version in information in Makefile and docs'
  • regenerate the documentation PDF files
make UsersGuide ReferenceManual MaintGuide
cd doc
# commit changed files
git commit -a -m 'Cactus: regenerate documentation' || true

regenerate files

  • regenerate McLachlan, WeylScal4, CTThorns, and EinsteinExact from their source with the current version of Kranc by running make -j NJOBS in their respective m directory.
  • check that BaikalVaccum and Baikal can be regenerated using the nrpytutorial hash listed in their README file using cd BaikalETK && make
  • Next run the following script, which
    • generates the Cactus configure script by running autoconf2.13 in lib/make
    • generates the Cactus loop macros by running perl cctk_Loop.h.pl in src/include
    • generates UsersGuide, ReferenceManual and MaintGuide pdf files by running make UsersGuide ReferenceManual MaintGuide
cd lib/make
# commit changed files
git commit -a -m 'Cactus: regenerate configure' || true
cd ../../src/include
perl cctk_Loop.h.pl
# commit changed files
git commit -a -m 'Cactus: regenerate cctk_Loop.h' || true

create branches

  • Important! Before this step, add the new bibtex entry to einsteintoolkit.bib in https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/manifest.git
  • Create release branches for all repositories in the ET
    • A new ET branch ET_YYYY_MM
    • A new ET tag ET_YYYY_MM_v0
    • A new Cactus branch Cactus_4.X.0 if in CactusCode
    • A new Cactus tag Cactus_4.X.0_v0 if in CactusCode
  • Note: SelfForce-1D is not automatically downloaded with GetComponents, so the repo can either be manually cloned into the repos directory or the branch and tag can be made and pushed separately from the script
# This script is run from inside the repos directory
export CCTK_VERSION=Cactus_4.X.0
set -x -e
for repo in */.git ; do
  cd $repo/..
  if git branch -a | grep -q origin/$ET_RELEASE ; then
    echo "Already pushed"
    cd - >/dev/null
  if ! grep -q 'fetch  *= *[+]refs/heads/[*]' .git/config ; then
    # unshallow in case --no-shallow was not passed to GetComponents
    if `git rev-parse --is-shallow-repository` ; then
      git fetch --unshallow
    git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"
    git fetch origin
  repo_name=$(basename $PWD)
  git checkout -b $ET_RELEASE
  if [ $repo_name = manifest ] ; then
    sed -i "/!DEFINE  *COMPONENTLIST_TARGET/a \\\\n!DEFINE ET_RELEASE = $ET_RELEASE" einsteintoolkit.th
    sed -i '/!URL/a \!REPO_BRANCH = $ET_RELEASE' einsteintoolkit.th
    sed -i 's!/trunk!/branches/$ET_RELEASE!' einsteintoolkit.th
    git add einsteintoolkit.th
    git commit -m 'einsteintoolkit.th: use release branch'
  git tag ${ET_RELEASE}_v0
  git push --tags --set-upstream origin $ET_RELEASE
  if git remote get-url origin | grep cactuscode ; then
    git branch $CCTK_VERSION
    git tag ${CCTK_VERSION}_v0
    git push --tags --set-upstream origin $CCTK_VERSION
  cd - >/dev/null
  sleep 5 # bitbucket enforces some rate limit on pushes its seems

update websites and online documentation


  • Update main ET web site (update version numbers, urls), searching for ET_YYYY_MM finds them all

set -e -x

export EDITOR=vim

export ET_RELEASE=ET_2024_11

export ET_RELEASE_CODENAME_FULL="Annie Jump Cannon"

export PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE_URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lev_Landau"
export ET_RELEASE_URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_Jump_Cannon"

export ET_RELEASE_DATE="December 2nd, 2024"
export ET_RELEASE_DATE_ISO=2024-12-02

ALL_FILES=$(git grep -l "\($PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE\|$PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE_CODENAME\)"  | grep -v 'about/releases/' | grep -vF past-releases.html | grep -vF publications/2013_MHD/index.php | grep -vF developers. | grep -vF members.txt | grep -vF mp.html)

# update URL first since it tends to include the release codename
sed -i "s!$PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE_URL!$ET_RELEASE_URL!g" index.html

# update release names

# release date
sed -i "s/[(]released on [^)]*[)]/(released on $ET_RELEASE_DATE)/g" download.html

# update past reelases, mark this one as most recent
# TODO: use something other than sed for this
sed -i -e '/List of Einstein Toolkit releases:/{n;b add_release}' -e 'b end' -e ':add_release;a\
          <li>'$ET_RELEASE' "'"$ET_RELEASE_CODENAME_FULL"'", <a href="about/releases/'$ET_RELEASE'_announcement.html">released '$ET_RELEASE_DATE_ISO'</a>\
          </li>' -e ':end' past-releases.html

# add news item to front page
$EDITOR index.html

git diff

git add $ALL_FILES past-releases.html download.html index.html
git commit -m "update to $ET_RELEASE"

echo 'Use git show and git commit --amend to correct mistakes'
sed -i "s/$PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE/$ET_RELEASE/g" simfactory/download/index.php
sed -i "s/$PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE/$ET_RELEASE/g" CactusTutorial.ipynb
sed -i "s/kuibit==[0-9.]*/kuibit==$KUIBIT_RELEASE/" CactusTutorial.ipynb

From the https://github.com/einsteintoolkit/jupyter-et repo, do the following

cd tutorial-server
sed -i "s/ENV ET_RELEASE.*/ENV ET_RELEASE ${ET_RELEASE}/" base.docker
git add base.docker
git commit -m "All changes for the $ET_RELEASE release"
touch variables.env
docker-compose -f docker-compose.base.yml build --no-cache --pull 2>&1 | tee docker-compose.base.log
docker-compose -f docker-compose.base.yml push
for c in notebook cilogon cyol ; do
    docker-compose -f docker-compose.$c.yml build 2>&1 | tee docker-compose.$c.log
    docker-compose -f docker-compose.$c.yml push

The tutorial server at https://etk.cct.lsu.edu checks for a new image once a day.

  • To update cactuscode.org: git clone git@github.com:EinsteinToolkit/www.cactuscode.org.git

set -e -x






ET_DATE="$(date +"%B %d, %Y")"
AUTHOR="$(git config --get user.name)"

cd media/news

# keep the mkdir below to so that it fails if the output directories already
# exist

mkdir -p $ET_RELEASE
sed -i "s!$PREVIOUS_ET_NAME!$ET_NAME!g" $ET_RELEASE/index.md
sed -i "s!$PREVIOUS_ET_ITER!$ET_ITER!g" $ET_RELEASE/index.md
sed -i "s!^### .*!### $ET_DATE $AUTHOR!" $ET_RELEASE/index.md

mkdir -p cactus_$CACTUS_VERSION
sed -i "s!${PREVIOUS_CACTUS_VERSION//./[.]}!$CACTUS_VERSION!g;" cactus_$CACTUS_VERSION/index.md
sed -i "s!$PREVIOUS_ET_NAME!$ET_NAME!g" cactus_$CACTUS_VERSION/index.md
sed -i "s!^### .*!### $ET_DATE $AUTHOR!" cactus_$CACTUS_VERSION/index.md

cat >../../_data/news.yml <<EOF
- date: "$ET_DATE"
  link: "$ET_RELEASE/index.html"
  title: 'Einstein Toolkit "$ET_NAME" Release'
- date: "$ET_DATE"
  link: "cactus_$CACTUS_VERSION/index.html"
  title: 'Cactus $CACTUS_VERSION Release'

git add ../../_data/news.yml $ET_RELEASE/index.md cactus_$CACTUS_VERSION/index.md
git commit -m "news: add $ET_RELEASE announcement"

release anouncement issues

Other stuff

Changes to announce

First grab the latest dev version:

curl -kLO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gridaphobe/CRL/master/GetComponents
chmod a+x GetComponents
./GetComponents --no-shallow --parallel --no-anonymous https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/manifest/raw/master/einsteintoolkit.th
git clone git@bitbucket.org:peterdiener/selfforce-1d.git Cactus/repos/SelfForce-1D

Then in that directory, the following script may be helpful in figuring out what has changed since the last release:

FORMAT="%h %ae %an: %s"
echo -n > .people.txt
for i in repos/*/.git
  export GIT_DIR=$i
  DEFAULT_BRANCH=$(git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD | sed 's@^refs/remotes/origin/@@')
  REPO_URL=$(git remote get-url origin | sed 's!git@!https://!;s!:\([^/]\)!/\1!;s![.]git$!!;')
  if [[ $REPO_URL == *bitbucket* ]]; then
  elif [[ $REPO_URL == *github* ]]; then
  echo "========================="
  echo "CHANGES FOR $(dirname $i) $COMMIT_URL"
  git fetch --tags 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
  git log --format="$FORMAT" ${TAG}..${DEFAULT_BRANCH} -- 2>/dev/null
  git log --format="%an %ae" ${TAG}..${DEFAULT_BRANCH} 2>/dev/null >> .people.txt
  if [ $E != 0 ]
    # Pick your desired behavior in the absense of tags
    echo " >> TAG ${TAG} missing for repo, using date."
    git log --format="$FORMAT" $(git rev-list -n 1 --before="${DATE} 00:00" ${DEFAULT_BRANCH})..${DEFAULT_BRANCH} --
    git log --format="%an %ae" $(git rev-list -n 1 --before="${DATE} 00:00" ${DEFAULT_BRANCH})..${DEFAULT_BRANCH} -- >> .people.txt 2>/dev/null
    #echo " >> TAG ${TAG} missing for repo, assume it's a new contribution"
    #git log --format="$FORMAT" --
    #git log --format="%an %ae" -- >> .people.txt 2>/dev/null
done |& tee full.txt
sort -u < .people.txt > people.txt
rm .people.txt
cat people.txt

Note that when analyzing the output from the *nrpytutorial/* repo, you'll need to be careful to only check for changes to NRPyPN; all other changes are not ET related.

This misses changes in subversion repositories, currently only in ExternalLibraries which can be queried manually using svn log and usually contain very few changes.

This misses new repositories (or at best only considers recent changes to them).

Emails to send to contributors and gallery runners



In preparation for the upcoming "$RELEASE" release of the Einstein Toolkit I am collecting information about all who contributed to this release of the Einstein Toolkit. All contributors will be listed as authors as shown in this draft


You are shown as a contributor to $CODE in


Since you therefore contributed to this release, would you agree to be listed as an author in this and all future releases of the Einstein Toolkit?

If you agree to be listed I will add the information found here


to Zenodo.

Please let me or any of the other maintainers know, no later than $DEADLINE_DATE, if you agree to be included as an author and whether the information shown is correct. If there are additional persons that should be listed as authors, please let myself or one of the other maintainers know soon, so that they can be contacted.


To the main contributor (champion) send a request for citations


For each component the Einstein Toolkit keeps track of requested ("required") and suggested ("optional") citations that those who use the component should cite.

These are listed on:


and auto-generated from the main bibtex file (einsteintoolkit.bib) using the suggested-for and requested-for tags.

For you contributions, if you have any, please send me bibtex entries (in SPIRES style, see the beginning of


for the desired format) of any requested and suggested citations.

Typically we would suggest one requested citation and any number of suggested citations (eg for optional features or secondary citations).

Websites and Zenodo DOIs are fine, it does not have to be a published paper (though having a DOI would be good).


Release team


in preparation for the upcoming "$RELEASE" release of the Einstein Toolkit I am collecting information about the release team for this release of the Einstein Toolkit. All release team members will be listed as authors in


Since you are a member of the release team, would you agree to be listed as an author in this release of the Einstein Toolkit?

If you agree to be listed I will add the information found here


to Zenodo.

Please let me or any of the other maintainers know, no later than $DEADLINE_DATE, if you agree to be included as an author and whether the information shown is correct. If there are additional persons that should be listed as authors, please let myself or one of the other maintainers know soon, so that they can be contacted.