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(update feature freeze timeline, provide more detail for cluster testing)
(add link to changes script)
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## Announce feature freeze based on currently positively reviewed components
## Announce feature freeze based on currently positively reviewed components
## Update einsteinttoolkit.bib with requested and suggested citations for all thorns in thorn list (''<span style="background:yellow">10 minutes</span>'')
## Update einsteinttoolkit.bib with requested and suggested citations for all thorns in thorn list (''<span style="background:yellow">10 minutes</span>'')
## Collect list of new features, newsworthy items, and acknowledgements for release announcement on wiki (there’s a script in the wiki to help with this) (''<span style="background:yellow">45 minutes</span>'')
## Collect list of new features, newsworthy items, and acknowledgements for release announcement on wiki (there’s a [https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Process#Changes_to_announce script] in the wiki to help with this) (''<span style="background:yellow">45 minutes</span>'')
## Verify that gallery runs and example parfiles still work with new release (''<span style="background:yellow">4 hours</span>'' for all examples to compile, run, make plots)
## Verify that gallery runs and example parfiles still work with new release (''<span style="background:yellow">4 hours</span>'' for all examples to compile, run, make plots)
## Contact contributors and example runners about permanent (contributors) and one-off (example runners) inclusion in the ET author list (''<span style="background:yellow">10 minutes of work per author</span>'' to poke and prod them to respond)
## Contact contributors and example runners about permanent (contributors) and one-off (example runners) inclusion in the ET author list (''<span style="background:yellow">10 minutes of work per author</span>'' to poke and prod them to respond)

Revision as of 20:41, 17 November 2020

Release Process

This page describes the release process in some detail. Getting a release out of the door without embarrassing oversights requires a bit more planning and care than one would like.

Timeline for a release and estimated time required

  1. Form a release coordination team (6 months) (part of ET calls)
    1. a release coordinator
    2. a release coordinator assistant, who may be the release coordinator for the next release
    3. the former release coordinator to help out
    4. test runner(s) who will run the testsuites on the list of supported machines
    5. example runner volunteer(s) for gallery examples
  2. Come up with release timeline (by translating the last release timeline forward in time), see (5 months) (30 minutes), see https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Details#Schedule_for_ET_2020_05
    1. Frequently remind participants of timeline (part of ET calls)
    2. Begin discussions on the mailing list, reminding people to look at test cases, review patches etc. (5 minutes per week)
  3. Choose features which are going to be included, and those which won't be included (4 months)
    1. ask for review volunteers, assign tasks to people (part of ET calls) e.g. https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Meeting_agenda#2020-09-10
    2. create tickets for each proposed item on https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org eg. https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2416
    3. Decide on a list of release-critical compute systems eg XSEDE, LCCF, DOE, PRACE: http://einsteintoolkit.org/testsuite_results/index.php
      1. get accounts for test runners
  4. Drive review of thorns for code quality, documentation, test cases (continuously)
    1. Include positively reviewed and voted on items in main ET repositories
    2. Remove new features without reviewer or negatively reviewed from list of new features
    3. Frequently remind participants of timeline
  5. Start testing on release-critical compute systems (2 months) (30 minutes per week per cluster to compile, run, check, upload)
    1. initially test to make sure clusters can still build code
    2. test code as they become positively reviewed (code is present in master before final positive review)
    3. report on test failures
    4. assign found bugs to volunteers
  6. Release preparation I (2 weeks)
    1. Announce feature freeze based on currently positively reviewed components
    2. Update einsteinttoolkit.bib with requested and suggested citations for all thorns in thorn list (10 minutes)
    3. Collect list of new features, newsworthy items, and acknowledgements for release announcement on wiki (there’s a script in the wiki to help with this) (45 minutes)
    4. Verify that gallery runs and example parfiles still work with new release (4 hours for all examples to compile, run, make plots)
    5. Contact contributors and example runners about permanent (contributors) and one-off (example runners) inclusion in the ET author list (10 minutes of work per author to poke and prod them to respond)
    6. Draft release announcement (1 hour)
      1. send to maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org for review re typos etc.
    7. Announce release date publicly
  7. Release preparation II (1 week), detailed list of items and partial scripts on https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Process#Two_weeks_before_the_release
    1. Finalize announcement draft (1 hour)
      1. Send to maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org for review re typos etc.
    2. Create Zenodo item (see link above) (1 hour)
      1. Send to maintainers@einsteintoolkit.org for review re typos etc.
    3. Regenerate all auto-generated files (30 minutes of work, plus time to wait for Kranc)
    4. Update version information in the documentation tex files and Baikal documentation.tex file (15 minutes)
    5. Create release branch and tag for all ET codes (30 minutes)
    6. Update websites in a branch (2 hours)
      1. EinsteinToolkit.org
      2. CactusCode.org
      3. Simfactory.org
      4. CactusTutorial.ipynb
      5. Wikipedia Cactus entry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cactus_Framework
  8. Run the testsuite using the release code on all supported machines (day of the release) (30 min per cluster)
  9. Update https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Release_Process with lessons learned (day of the release) (30 minutes)

Helpful tools and notes

This section collects a handful of useful commands that may become critical to guarantee the quality of the release. The descriptions below are quite technical and intended for the developers and maintainers only.

drafting Zenodo entry

# get Steve Brandt's personal access token for zenodo.org
# create your own personal access token for sandbox.zenodo.org: https://sandbox.zenodo.org/account/settings/applications/tokens/new/

# get data out of current Zenodo entry
export ZENODO_ACCESS=$(secret-tool lookup hostname https://zenodo.org username sbrandt@cct.lsu.edu)
python3 ./zenodo.py --list
# note down ID of "Einstein Toolkit" (will change each release)
python3 ./zenodo.py --id 3522086
mv zupload.py et-zupload.py
wget "https://zenodo.org/record/3522086/files/Definition.md?download=1" -O Definition.md

# recreate in sandbox
export ZENODO_ACCESS=$(secret-tool lookup hostname https://sandbox.zenodo.org username rhaas@illinois.edu)
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --create et-zupload.py
# note down ID of newest (topmost) "Einstein Toolkit"
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --list
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id 587417 --deposit Definition.md
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id 587417 --publish

# update metadata and dummy deposit file (file must change or Zenodo will reject the new version)
sed -i 's/ET_2019_10/ET_2020_05/;s/c32f345352864d88cb4fa6e649262d35da69a1a7/ET_2020_05_v0/g'  Definition.md 
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id 587417 --newversion
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --list
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id 587432 --deposit Definition.md
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id 587432 --upload
python3 ./zenodo.py --sandbox --id 587432 --publish

regenerate files

  • regenerate McLachlan, WeylScal4, CTThorns, and EinsteinExact from their source with the current version of Kranc by running make -j NJOBS in their respective m directory.
  • generate the Cactus configure script by running autoconf2.13 in lib/make
  • generate the Cactus loop macros by running perl cctk_Loop.h.pl in src/include
  • generate UsersGuide, ReferenceManual and MaintGuide pdf files by running make AllDoc

update version information

  • update version information in flesh/Makefile in the CCTK_VERSION_XXX variables
  • update version information in flesh/doc/latex.sty in the \cactustitlepage command
  • update wvuthorns/Baikal/doc/documentation.tex and wvuthorns/BaikalETK/doc/documentation.tex with git hash of nrpytutorial used to generate code. The hash is mentioned in the README file. To compare codes, check out https://github.com/zachetienne/nrpytutorial.git at the hash in question and generate using ./run_Jupyter_notebook.sh Tutorial-BaikalETK.ipynb. In ET_2020_05 this required forcing python3. The generated code lacks using CCTK_REAL for non-vectorized code, and the order in which finite difference orders are checked and included is timing dependent and thus random.

create branches

  • Update component list einsteintoolkit.th in *master* before tagging it for release branch to point to new stable version
sed -i "/!DEFINE  *COMPONENTLIST_TARGET/a \\\\n!DEFINE ET_RELEASE = $ET_RELEASE" einsteintoolkit.th
sed -i '/!URL/a \!REPO_BRANCH = ET_RELEASE' einsteintoolkit.th
sed -i 's!/trunk!/branches/$ET_RELEASE!' einsteintoolkit.th
  • undo changes on master branch
  • Create release branches for all repositories in the ET
    • A new ET branch ET_YYYY_MM
    • A new ET tag ET_YYYY_MM_v0
    • A new Cactus branch Cactus_4.X.0 if in CactusCode
    • A new Cactus tag Cactus_4.X.0_v0 if in CactusCode
export CCTK_VERSION=Cactus_4.X.0
set -x -e
for repo in */.git ; do
  cd $repo/..
  git checkout -b $ET_RELEASE
  git tag ${ET_RELEASE}_v0
  git push --tags --set-upstream origin $ET_RELEASE
  if git remote get-url origin | grep cactuscode ; then
    git branch $CCTK_VERSION
    git tag ${CCTK_VERSION}_v0
    git push --tags --set-upstream origin $CCTK_VERSION
  cd - >/dev/null
git checkout -b $ET_RELEASE
sed -i "s/master/$ET_RELEASE/" .gitmodules
git add .gitmodules
git submodule foreach bash -c "git fetch ; git checkout origin/$ET_RELEASE"
git commit -am "Create release branch for $ET_RELEASE"

update websites and online documentation

  • Update main ET web site (update version numbers, urls), searching for ET_YYYY_MM finds them all

set -e -x

export ET_RELEASE=ET_2020_05


export ET_RELEASE_URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Turing"
export PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE_URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Goeppert_Mayer"

export ET_RELEASE_DATE="May 31st, 2020"

ALL_FILES=$(git grep -l "\($PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE\|$PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE_CODENAME\)"  | grep -v 'about/releases/' | grep -vF past-releases.html | grep -vF publications/2013_MHD/index.php | grep -vF mp.html) 

# update URL first since it tends to include the release codename
sed -i "s!$PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE_URL!$ET_RELEASE_URL!g" index.html

# update release names

# release date
sed -i "s/[(]released on [^)]*[)]/(released on $ET_RELEASE_DATE)/g" download.html

# update past reelases, mark this one as most recent
$EDITOR past-releases.html

# add news item to front page
$EDITOR index.html

git diff

git add $ALL_FILES past-releases.html download.html index.html
git commit -m "update to $ET_RELEASE"
sed -i "s/$PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE/$ET_RELEASE/g" index.php
sed -i "s/$PREVIOUS_ET_RELEASE/$ET_RELEASE/g" CactusTutorial.ipynb
  • log into etkhub.ndslabs.org, pull the repo, and rebuild the docker image
cd media/news

cp -a ET_2019_10 ET_2020_05
sed -i 's!Maria_Goeppert_Mayer!Alan_Turing!g' ET_2020_05/index.php
sed -i 's!Mayer!Turing!g' ET_2020_05/index.php
sed -i 's!>.*</h3>!>May 31, 2020 Roland Haas</h3>!' ET_2020_05/index.php

cp -a cactus_4.7.0 cactus_4.8.0
sed -i 's!4[.]7[.]0!4.8.0!g;' cactus_4.8.0/index.php
sed -i 's!Maria_Goeppert_Mayer!Alan_Turing!g' cactus_4.8.0/index.php
sed -i 's!Mayer!Turing!g' cactus_4.8.0/index.php
sed -i 's!ET_2019_10!ET_2020_05!g' cactus_4.8.0/index.php
sed -i 's!>.*</h3>!>May 31, 2020 Roland Haas</h3>!' cactus_4.8.0/index.php

mv recent.php tmp.php
head -n4 <tmp.php | \
sed 's!4[.]7[.]0!4.8.0!g;' | \
sed 's!Maria_Goeppert_Mayer!Alan_Turing!g' | \
sed 's!Mayer!Turing!g' | \
sed 's!ET_2019_10!ET_2020_05!g' | \
sed 's!Oct 2019!May 2020!' | \
cat tmp.php - >recent.php
rm tmp.php

release accouncment issues

On einsteintoolkit.org

  • ThornGuide.php is in /www/einstein/www/documentation
  • It draws on the autogenerated http doc files, which are found here:
 docker build --no-cache -f etk-website.docker -t stevenrbrandt/etk-website .
 docker push stevenrbrandt/etk-website

Other stuff

Changes to announce

The following script may be helpful in figuring out what has changed since the last release:

 for i in repos/*/.git
   export GIT_DIR=$i
   echo "CHANGES FOR $(dirname $i)"
   git fetch --tags 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
   git log ${TAG}..master --format=$FORMAT 2>/dev/null
   if [ $E != 0 ]
     echo " >> TAG ${TAG} missing for repo, using date."
     git log $(git rev-list -n 1 --before="${DATE} 00:00" master)..master --format=$FORMAT

creating release branches (outdated version control systems)

    • svn: svn copy https://<repository-server>/<repository-path>/trunk https://<repository-server>/<repository-path>/branches/ET_2011_05
    • darcs: clone the repository, appending a suffix to the name
    • git: git checkout -b ET_2011_05 ; git push --set-upstream origin ET_2011_05