Meeting agenda
- 1 Connection Details
- 2 Meeting Agenda
- 2.1 Chair and Minutes Rotation
- 2.2 2025-02-27
- 2.3 2025-02-20
- 2.4 2025-02-13
- 2.5 2025-02-06
- 2.6 2025-01-30
- 2.7 2025-01-23
- 2.8 2025-01-16
- 2.9 2025-01-09
- 2.10 2024-12-19
- 2.11 2024-12-12
- 2.12 2024-12-05
- 2.13 2024-11-28
- 2.14 2024-11-21
- 2.15 2024-11-14
- 2.16 2024-11-07
- 2.17 2024-10-31
- 2.18 2024-10-24
- 2.19 2024-10-17
- 2.20 2024-10-10
- 2.21 2024-10-03
- 2.22 2024-09-26
- 2.23 2024-09-19
- 2.24 2024-09-12
- 2.25 2024-09-05
- 2.26 2024-08-29
- 2.27 2024-08-22
- 2.28 2024-08-15
- 2.29 2024-08-08
- 2.30 2024-08-01
- 2.31 2024-07-25
- 2.32 2024-07-18
- 2.33 2024-07-11
- 2.34 2024-07-04
- 2.35 2024-06-27
- 2.36 2024-06-20
- 2.37 2024-06-13
- 2.38 2024-06-06
- 2.39 2024-05-30
- 2.40 2024-05-23
- 2.41 2024-05-16
- 2.42 2024-05-09
- 2.43 2024-05-02
- 2.44 2024-04-25
- 2.45 2024-04-18
- 2.46 2024-04-11
- 2.47 2024-04-04
- 2.48 2024-03-28
- 2.49 2024-03-21
- 2.50 2024-03-14
- 2.51 2024-03-07
- 2.52 2024-02-29
- 2.53 2024-02-22
- 2.54 2024-02-15
- 2.55 2024-02-08
- 2.56 2024-02-01
- 2.57 2024-01-25
- 2.58 2024-01-18
- 2.59 2024-01-11
- 2.60 2023-12-14
- 2.61 2023-12-07
- 2.62 2023-11-30
- 2.63 2023-11-16
- 2.64 2023-11-09
- 2.65 2023-11-02
- 2.66 2023-10-26
- 2.67 2023-10-19
- 2.68 2023-10-12
- 2.69 2023-10-05
- 2.70 2023-09-28
- 2.71 2023-09-21
- 2.72 2023-09-14
- 2.73 2023-09-07
- 2.74 2023-08-31
- 2.75 2023-08-24
- 2.76 2023-08-17
- 2.77 2023-08-10
- 2.78 2023-08-03
- 2.79 2023-07-20
- 2.80 2023-07-13
- 2.81 2023-07-06
- 2.82 2023-06-29
- 2.83 2023-06-22
- 2.84 2023-06-15
- 2.85 2023-06-08
- 2.86 2023-06-01
- 2.87 2023-05-25
- 2.88 2023-05-18
- 2.89 2023-05-11
- 2.90 2023-05-04
- 2.91 2023-04-27
- 2.92 2023-04-20
- 2.93 2023-04-13
- 2.94 2023-04-06
- 2.95 2023-03-30
- 2.96 2023-03-23
- 2.97 2023-03-16
- 2.98 2023-03-09
- 2.99 2023-03-02
- 2.100 2023-02-23
- 2.101 2023-02-16
- 2.102 2023-02-09
- 2.103 2023-02-02
- 2.104 2023-01-26
- 2.105 2023-01-19
- 2.106 2023-01-12
- 2.107 2023-01-05
- 2.108 2022-12-15
- 2.109 2022-12-08
- 2.110 2022-12-01
- 2.111 2022-11-24
- 2.112 2022-11-17
- 2.113 2022-11-10
- 2.114 2022-11-03
- 2.115 2022-10-27
- 2.116 2022-10-20
- 2.117 2022-10-13
- 2.118 2022-10-06
- 2.119 2022-09-29
- 2.120 2022-09-22
- 2.121 2022-09-15
- 2.122 2022-09-08
- 2.123 2022-09-01
- 2.124 2022-08-25
- 2.125 2022-08-18
- 2.126 2022-08-11
- 2.127 2022-08-04
- 2.128 2022-07-28
- 2.129 2022-07-21
- 2.130 2022-07-14
- 2.131 2022-07-07
- 2.132 2022-06-30
- 2.133 2022-06-23
- 2.134 2022-06-16
- 2.135 2022-06-09
- 2.136 2022-06-02
- 2.137 2022-05-26
- 2.138 2022-05-19
- 2.139 2022-05-12
- 2.140 2022-05-05
- 2.141 2022-04-28
- 2.142 2022-04-21
- 2.143 2022-04-14
- 2.144 2022-04-07
- 2.145 2022-03-31
- 2.146 2022-03-24
- 2.147 2022-03-17
- 2.148 2022-03-10
- 2.149 2022-03-03
- 2.150 2022-02-24
- 2.151 2022-02-17
- 2.152 2022-02-10
- 2.153 2022-02-03
- 2.154 2022-01-27
- 2.155 2022-01-20
- 2.156 2022-01-13
- 2.157 2022-01-06
Connection Details
We are using Zoom to host the Einstein Toolkit meetings. The meeting is sponsored by LSU.
- Meeting Title: Einstein Toolkit
- Meeting Time: Every Thursday at 9:00 Central Time
- Connect via a web browser:
- Phone call in instructions: Meeting ID: 631 356 683, Password: 584191, US Toll-free: 888 788 0099, more phone numbers:
- full details
Meeting Agenda
When adding a topic, please add your name next to the item you are proposing. Old meeting minutes can be found on the phone call minutes page.
Minutes should be plain text email, have subject "Meeting minutes for YYYY-MM-DD", and list the call participants. Here is an example. Please keep the line length to 72 characters or less to avoid broken lines due to reformatting by clients. After the call please send your minutes to, find the minutes email in the archives and link to it on this page.
Older meeting agendas and minutes are archived on the page Archived Meeting Agendas back to August 2017. Links to the minutes before August 2017 are compiled on the page Phone Call Minutes.
Chair and Minutes Rotation
Chair: Peter, Roland, Steve, Leo, Zach, Lucas
Minutes: Leo, Roland, Lucas, Steve, ifneedsbe: Bill
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Lucas | (spontaneous) |
- upcoming ET possible inclusions
- Z4c, high priority. Champion: Erik Schnetter and Roland Haas, reviewer: Peter Diener and Stev Brandt [RH]
- BHaHAHA horizon finder. Champion: Zach Etienne, reviewer: Peter Diener [ZE]
- CCE code to hook up to Spectre. Champion: Deborah Ferguson, reviwer: Lucas [RH]
- possibly more modules for FLRWSolver, champion: Hayley Macpherson, reviewer: TBD [HM]
- already finished review: axi-dilaton gallery example [DF]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- upcoming ET possible inclusions
NewRadX boudcary.already included in ET_2024_05- Z4c, high priority. Champion: Erik Schnetter and Roland Haas, reviewer: Peter Diener and Stev Brandt [RH]
- BHaHAHA horizon finder. Champion: Zach Etienne, reviewer: TBD [ZE]
- CCE code to hook up to Spectre. Champion: Deborah Ferguson, reviwer: Lucas [RH]
- possibly more modules for FLRWSolver, champion: Hayley Macpherson, reviewer: TBD [HM]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- upcoming ET possible inclusions
NewRadX boudcary.already included in ET_2024_05- Z4c, high priority. Champion: Erik Schnetter and Roland Haas, reviewer: Peter Diener and Stev Brandt [RH]
- BHaHAHA horizon finder. Champion: Zach Etienne, reviewer: TBD [ZE]
- CCE code to hook up to Spectre. Champion: Deborah Ferguson, reviwer: Lucas [RH]
- possibly more modules for FLRWSolver, champion: Hayley Macpherson, reviewer: TBD [HM]
- gallery example for Canuda (Axi-dilaton). Champion: Deborah Ferguson or Chloe Richards, reviewer: TBD
- gallery examples for Canuda [CHC], Fishbone-Moncrief, IGM, GRHayL and others [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | Lucas | (spontaneous) |
- upcoming ET possible inclusions
NewRadX boudcary.already included in ET_2024_05- Z4c, high priority. Champion: Erik Schnetter and Roland Haas, reviewer: Peter Diener and Stev Brandt [RH]
- BHaHAHA horizon finder. Champion: Zach Etienne, reviewer: TBD [ZE]
- CCE code to hook up to Spectre. Champion: Deborah Ferguson, reviwer: Lucas [RH]
- possibly more modules for FLRWSolver, champion: Hayley Macpherson, reviewer: TBD [HM]
- gallery example for Canuda (Axi-dilaton). Champion: Deborah Ferguson or Chloe Richards, reviewer: TBD
- gallery examples for Canuda [CHC], Fishbone-Moncrief, IGM, GRHayL and others [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- reproducibility issues of data in BNS simulation [RH]
- upcoming ET possible inclusions
NewRadX boudcary.already included in ET_2024_05- Z4c, high priority. Champion: Erik Schnetter and Roland Haas, reviewer: Peter Diener and Stev Brandt [RH]
- BHaHAHA horizon finder. Champion: Zach Etienne, reviewer: TBD [ZE]
- CCE code to hook up to Spectre. Champion: Deborah Ferguson, reviwer: Lucas [RH]
- possibly more modules for FLRWSolver, champion: Hayley Macpherson, reviewer: TBD [HM]
- gallery example for Canuda (Axi-dilaton). Champion: Deborah Ferguson or Chloe Richards, reviewer: TBD
- gallery examples for Canuda [CHC], Fishbone-Moncrief, IGM, GRHayL and others [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Lucas | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- reproducibility issues of data in BNS simulation [RH]
- upcoming ET possible inclusions
NewRadX boudcary.already included in ET_2024_05- Z4c, high priority. Champion: Erik Schnetter and Roland Haas, reviewer: Peter Diener and Stev Brandt [RH]
- BHaHAHA horizon finder. Champion: Zach Etienne, reviewer: TBD [ZE]
- CCE code to hook up to Spectre. Champion: Deborah Ferguson, reviwer: TBD [RH]
- possibly more modules for FLRWSolver, champion: Hayley Macpherson, reviewer: TBD [HM]
- gallery example for Canuda (Axi-dilaton). Champion: Deborah Ferguson or Chloe Richards, reviewer: TBD
- gallery examples for Canuda [CHC], Fishbone-Moncrief, IGM, GRHayL and others [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Lucas | (spontaneous) |
- reproducibility issues of data in BNS simulation [RH]
- change in ET release frequency [1] [RH]
- upcoming ET possible inclusions
- NewRadX boudcary [CHC]
- Z4c, high priority needs champion and reviewers [RH]
- BHaHAHA horizon finder [ZE]
- CCE code to hook up to Spectre [RH]
- possibly more modules for cosmology [RH]
- gallery examples for Canuda [CHC], Fishbone-Moncrief, IGM, GRHayL and others [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- simfactory issues on anvil [RH]
- LIBS issue in released Silo and PETSc (#2842)
- upcoming ET possible inclusions
- NewRadX boudcary [CHC]
- Z4c, high priority needs champion and reviewers [RH]
- BHaHAHA horizon finder [ZE]
- CCE code to hook up to Spectre [RH]
- possibly more modules for cosmology [RH]
- gallery examples for Canuda [CHC], Fishbone-Moncrief, IGM, GRHayL and others [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Bill | (spontaneous) |
- simfactory issues on anvil [RH]
- upcoming ET possible inclusions
- NewRadX bouncary [CHC]
- Z4c, high priority needs champion and reviewers [RH]
- BHaHAHA horizon finder [ZE]
- CCE code to hook up to Spectre [RH]
- possibly more modules for cosmology [RH]
- gallery examples for Canuda {CHC], Fishbone-Moncrief, IGM, GRHayL and others [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | Lucas | (spontaneous) |
- ET release post-mortemtimeline [RH]
- specv8 updates [SB]
- upcoming ET possible inclusions
- NewRadX bouncary [CHC]
- Z4c, high priority needs champion and reviewers [RH]
- BHaHAHA horizon finder [ZE]
- CCE code to hook up to Spectre [RH]
- possibly more modules for cosmology [RH]
- gallery examples for Canuda [CHC], Fishbone-Moncrief, IGM, GRHayL and others [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Roland | (spontaneous) |
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
- no meeting due to US Thanksgiving.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Lucas | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
- TOVola -- reviewer Maxwell, champion David
- testsuite status [RH]
- release announcement draft
- Gallery examples
- BNS Maxwell
- BBH Peter
- TOV David
- Scalar Wave Domenica
- Poisson Equation Lucas
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Bill | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
- TOVola -- reviewer Maxwell, champion David
- testsuite status [RH]
- release announcement draft
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
- Z4c -- reviewr Stever, champion Erik
- TOVola -- reviewer Maxwell, champion David
- testsuite status [RH]
- macOS tester needed [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | Sam | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
- SPECv8 benchmark inclusion status [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Lucas | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | David | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Lucas | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Lucas | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Sam | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Lucas | Sam | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Lucas | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Sam | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Sam | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | Lucas | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
- Retire ET working group mailing lists [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Steve | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Sam | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [SB]
- testsuites
- gallery runs
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | Lucas | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [SB]
- testsuites
- gallery runs
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
No ET call due to US June 4th holiday.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [SB]
- testsuites
- gallery runs
- BBH (Deborah Ferguson)
- BNS (Druv Srivastava)
- Poisson Equation (Steve Brandt)
- Scalar Wave (Lucas Sanches)
- TOV (Maxwell Rizzo)
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, Lorenzo)
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, Terrence)
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Lucas | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline [SB]
- Kuibit 1.5 relased [RH]
- ET CI tests failing: software issue [RH]
- gcc14 compatibility, need to poke Proca&Scalar authors about merging pull requests Proca Scalar [RH]
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, Lorenzo)
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, Terrence)
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Sam | (spontaneous) |
- US ET Workshop June 3-7 recap [SB]
- ET release timeline [SB]
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
MultipoleX (Lucas, Roland)- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
Z4c (Erik, Steve)- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, Lorenzo)
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, Terrence)
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
No ET call due to US ET summer school at LSU.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Lucas | (spontaneous) |
- US ET Workshop June 3-7 [SB]
- ET release timeline [SB]
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- MultipoleX (Lucas, Roland)
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
Z4c (Erik, Steve)- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, Lorenzo)
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, Terrence)
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- US ET Workshop June 3-7 [SB]
- ET release timeline [SB]
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- MultipoleX (Lucas, Roland)
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
Z4c (Erik, Steve)- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, Lorenzo)
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, Terrence)
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Sam | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- US ET Workshop June 3-7 [SB]
- ET release timeline [SB]
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- MultipoleX (Lucas, Roland)
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
Z4c (Erik, Steve)- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, Lorenzo)
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, Terrence)
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Lucas | (spontaneous) |
- US ET Workshop June 3-7 [SB]
- ET release timeline [SB]
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- MultipoleX (Lucas, Roland)
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
Z4c (Erik, Steve)- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, Lorenzo)
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, Terrence)
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Lucas | Steve | (spontaneous) |
- US ET Workshop June 3-7 [SB]
- ET release timeline [SB]
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- MultipoleX (Lucas, Roland)
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
- Z4c (Erik, Steve)
- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, Lorenzo)
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, Terrence)
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- US ET Workshop June 3-7 [SB]
- ET release timeline [SB]
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- MultipoleX (Lucas, Roland)
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
- Z4c (Erik, Steve)
- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, Lorenzo)
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, Terrence)
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- ET Workshop June 3-7 [SB]
- ET release timeline [SB]
- possible online ET tutorial for group in Denmark [RH]
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- MultipoleX (Lucas, Roland)
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
- Z4c (Erik, Steve)
- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, Lorenzo)
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, Terrence)
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Sam | (spontaneous) |
- ET Workshop June 3-7 [SB]
- ET release timeline [SB]
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- MultipoleX (Lucas, Roland)
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
- Z4c (Erik, Steve)
- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, Lorenzo)
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, Terrence)
- APS updates [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
N/A | N/A | (spontaneous) |
No meeting due to APS April meeting.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Sam | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET Workshop June 3-7 [SB]
- ET release timeline [SB]
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- MultipoleX (Lucas, Roland)
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
- Z4c (Erik, Steve)
- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, Lorenzo)
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, Terrence)
- create ET repository SpaceTimeX for contributions [HW]
- create ET repository CarpetX for contributions [RH, ES]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- ET Workshop June 3-7 [SB]
- ET release timeline [SB]
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- MultipoleX (Lucas, Roland)
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
- Z4c (Erik, Steve)
- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, Lorenzo)
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
Baikal(Vacuum)X (Sam, TBD)- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, Terrence)
- create ET repository SpaceTimeX for contributions [HW]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Sam | (spontaneous) |
- ET Workshop June 3-7 [SB]
- ET release timeline [SB]
- constraint damping paper [PD]
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- MultipoleX (Lucas, Roland)
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
- Z4c (Erik, Steve)
- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, TBD [Lorenzo?])
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- Baikal(Vacuum)X (Sam, TBD)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, TBD)
- call for help fixing issues in ET CI testing system [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET Workshop June 3-7 [SB]
- SPEC reached stage 4 of 6 [SB]
- ET release timeline [SB]
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- MultipoleX (Lucas, Roland)
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
- Z4c (Erik, Steve)
- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, TBD [Lorenzo?])
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- Baikal(Vacuum)X (Sam, TBD)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, TBD)
- call for help fixing issues in ET CI testing system [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline
- contributions (champion, reviewer):
- MultipoleX (Lucas, Roland)
- NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay)
- Z4c (Erik, Steve)
- GRHayL-based IllinoisGRMHD (Sam, TBD [Lorenzo?])
- Baikal(Vacuum) using NRPy 2.0 (Sam, Terrence)
- Baikal(Vacuum)X (Sam, TBD)
- GRHayLHD(X) updated to include tabulated EOS (Sam, TBD)
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Sam | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline
- contributions:
- MultipoleX: Lucas is champion, Roland reviewer
- NewRadX: Alex os champion, Liwei and Jay will review
- Z4c: Erik is champion, Steve reviewer
- Update to Baikal: TBD, TBD
- BaikalX: TBD, TBD
- Update to IllinoisGRMHD based on GRHayl: TBD, possibly RIT
Update to FUKA: TBD, TBD
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | Sam | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline
- contributions:
- MultipoleX: Lucas Champion, Roland reviewer
- NewRadX: Alex Champion, Liwei and Jay will review reviewer
- Z4c: Erik Champion,Steve reviewer
- Update to Baikal: TBD, TBD
- BaikalX: TBD, TBD
- Update to IllinoisGRMHD based on GRHayl: TBD, possibly RIT
- Update to FUKA: TBD, TBD
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Steve | (spontaneous) |
- ET release timeline
- ET summer schools
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET bns gallery example
- ET summer schools
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Leo | (spontaneous) |
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | Steve | (spontaneous) |
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2024_05 release
- Find release manager(s)
- Proposed inclusions
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Sam | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- ET testing
- Deep Bayou (Steve)
- SuperMike (Steve)
- Sunrise (Peter)
- Delta (Roland)
- Expanse (Roland)
- Frontera (Leo)
- ET gallery examples
- BNS (Steve)
- BBH (Deborah) - download data updated 2023-12-08, website not yet updated
- TOV (Peter)
- Scalar Wave (Hyun) - done
- Poisson Equation (Hyun) - done
- ET testing
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | Steve | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- Release blockers
- NSIMD compilation failures (resolved)
- Unable to upload to Zenodo [RH]
- ET testing
- Deep Bayou (Steve)
- SuperMike (Steve)
- Sunrise (Peter)
- Delta (Roland)
- Expanse (Roland)
- Frontera (Leo)
- ET gallery examples
- BNS (Steve)
- BBH (Deborah) - in progress
- TOV (Peter)
- Scalar Wave (Hyun) - done
- Poisson Equation (Hyun) - done
- Release blockers
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- Release blockers
- ET testing
- Deep Bayou (Steve)
- SuperMike (Steve)
- Sunrise (Peter)
- Delta (Roland)
- Expanse (Roland)
- Summit (Roland)
- SuperMUC (Roland)
- Frontera (Leo)
- ET gallery examples
- BNS (Steve)
- BBH (Deborah)
- TOV (Peter)
- Scalar Wave (TBD) [RH]
- Poisson Equation (TBD) [RH]
- ET contribution to springer book on GRMHD codes [RH]
- SPEC contribution [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Sam | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- ET testing [RH]
- CarpetX status on machines [RH]
- Deep Bayou (Steve)
- SuperMike (Steve)
- Sunrise (Peter)
- Delta (Roland)
- SuperMUC?
- Summit?
- Frontera (Leo)
- Expanse?
- ET gallery examples [RH]
- BNS (Steve)
- BBH (Deborah)
- TOV (Peter)
- Scalar Wave (TBD)
- Poisson Equation (TBD)
- ET testing [RH]
- ET contributiong to springer book on GRMHD codes [RH]
- SPEC contribution [RH]
- bitbucket restriction number of users in free accounts [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- sgrid importer - Liwei is reviewer
- GRHayLib/GRHayLHD/GRHayLHDX/GRHayLID/GRHayLIDX - Peter is reviewer
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update - Zach is reviewer
- CarpetX arrangement - Zach, Steve are reviewers
- ET testing [RH]
- CarpetX status on machines [RH]
- ET gallery examples [RH]
- ET contributiong to springer book on GRMHD codes [RH]
- running ET on aarach64 (Linux, Rockhip rk3318) [RH]
- SPEC contribution [RH]
- bitbuckt restriction number of users in free accounts [RH]:
******************************************************************************** [ALERT] Your push failed because the account 'cactuscode' has exceeded its [ALERT] user limit and this repository is restricted to read-only access. [ALERT] Change your plan to restore write access: [ALERT] ********************************************************************************
- this concerns the (old, pre-bitbucket-teams) accounts cactuscode and einsteintoolkit.
- Could of course also be a bitbucket bug (like them suddenly letting spam tickets through). Roland and Ian may have older conversation records with bitbucket about those accounts (but nothing useful could be done) [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Sam | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- sgrid importer - Liwei is reviewer
- GRHayLib/GRHayLHD/GRHayLHDX/GRHayLID/GRHayLIDX - Peter is reviewer
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update - Zach is reviewer
- CarpetX arrangement - Zach, Steve are reviewers
- ET testing [RH]
- ET gallery examples [RH]
- ET contributiong to springer book on GRMHD codes [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | Sam | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- sgrid importer - Liwei is reviewer
- GRHayLib/GRHayLHD/GRHayLHDX/GRHayLID/GRHayLIDX - Peter is reviewer
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update - Zach is reviewer
- CarpetX arrangement - Zach, Steve are reviewers
- ET testing [RH]
- ET gallery examples [RH]
- ET contributiong to springer book on GRMHD codes [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Steve | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- sgrid importer - Liwei is reviewer
- GRHayLib/GRHayLHD/GRHayLHDX/GRHayLID/GRHayLIDX - Peter is reviewer
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update - Zach is reviewer
- CarpetX arrangement - Zach, Steve are reviewers
- users mailing list moderation [RH]
- lobby thorn maintainers to sign up for mailing list [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- sgrid importer - Liwei is reviewer
- GRHayLib/GRHayLHD/GRHayLHDX/GRHayLID/GRHayLIDX - Peter is reviewer
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update - Zach is reviewer
- CarpetX arrangement - Zach, Steve are reviewers
- users mailing list moderation [RH]
- lobby thorn maintainers to sign up for mailing list [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- [SC] sgrid thorns need to be added to CI
- sgrid importer - Liwei is reviewer
- GRHayLib/GRHayLHD/GRHayLHDX/GRHayLID/GRHayLIDX - Peter is reviewer
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update - Zach is reviewer
- CarpetX arrangement - Zach, Steve are reviewers
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- [SC] CI compilation failing due to adding GRHayLIDX and GRHayLHDX to thornlist; this thornlist works with GetComponents and compilation on local machine, so is the problem with test itself?
- sgrid importer - Liwei is reviewer
- GRHayLib/GRHayLHD/GRHayLHDX/GRHayLID/GRHayLIDX - Peter is reviewer
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update - Zach is reviewer
- CarpetX arrangement - Zach, Steve are reviewers
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Steve | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- sgrid importer - Liwei is reviewer
- GRHayLib/GRHayLHD/GRHayLHDX/GRHayLID/GRHayLIDX - Peter is reviewer
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update - Zach is reviewer
- CarpetX arrangement - Zach, Steve are reviewers
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Sam | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- sgrid importer - Liwei is reviewer
- GRHayLib/GRHayLHD/GRHayLHDX/GRHayLID/GRHayLIDX - Peter is reviewer
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update - Zach is reviewer
- CarpetX arrangement - Zach, Steve are reviewers
- ET testsuite server unreliable results
- email not being sent
- misses failed tests and claims success (see eg. for build 725)
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- sgrid importer - Liwei is reviewer
- GRHayLib/GRHayLHD/GRHayLHDX/GRHayLID/GRHayLIDX - Peter is reviewer
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update - Zach is reviewer
- CarpetX arrangement - Zach, Steve are reviewers
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- sgrid importer - Liwei is reviewer
- GRHayLib/GRHayLHD/IllinoisGRMHD/GRHayLHDX/IllinoisGRMHDX/GRHayLID/GRHayLIDX - Peter is reviewer
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update - Zach is reviewer
- CarpetX arrangement - Zach, Steve are reviewers
- AsterX arrangement - Samuel Tootle is reviewer
- SpacetimeX arrangement - Erik proposed removing this from the release
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Steve | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- sgrid importer - Liwei is reviewer
- GRHayLib/GRHayLHD/IllinoisGRMHD/GRHayLHDX/IllinoisGRMHDX/GRHayLID/GRHayLIDX - Peter is reviewer
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update - Zach is reviewer
- CarpetX arrangement - Zach, Steve are reviewers
- AsterX arrangement - Samuel Tootle is reviewer
- SpacetimeX arrangement - Erik proposed removing this from the release
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Sam | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- sgrid importer - Liwei is reviewer
- GRHayLib/GRHayLHD/IllinoisGRMHD/GRHayLHDX/IllinoisGRMHDX/GRHayLID/GRHayLIDX - Peter is reviewer
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update - Zach is reviewer
- CarpetX arrangement - Zach, Steve are reviewers
- AsterX arrangement - needs reviewer
- SpacetimeX arrangement - Yosef is reviewer
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Sam | TBD | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- sgrid importer - Liwei is reviewer
- GRHayLib/GRHayLHD/IllinoisGRMHD/GRHayLHDX/IllinoisGRMHDX/GRHayLID/GRHayLIDX - Peter is reviewer
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update - Zach is reviewer
- CarpetX arrangement - Zach, Steve are reviewers
- AsterX arrangement - needs reviewer
- SpacetimeX arrangement - Yosef is reviewer
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Yosef | (spontaneous) |
- RIT summer school recap [RH]
- ET_2023_11 release
- Current proposed inclusion list:
- sgrid importer
- GRHayL thorns
- GRHayLib
- IllinoisGRMHD update
- GRHayLHDX (only if CarpetX is included)
- GRHayLIDX (only if CarpetX is included)
- IllinoisGRMHDX (only if CarpetX is included)
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update
- CarpetX thorns?
- AsterX thorns?
- SpacetimeX thorns?
- Deprecations:
- IllinoisGRMHD: many parameters will be deprecated, as they have moved to GRHayLib
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields: some parameter options are deprecated to improve clarity between TOV and BNS options
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields_BNS thorn will be deprecated
- Current proposed inclusion list:
- call for ET contributions [RH]
- reject instead of hold for moderator emails by non-members to, add information on how to subscribe to rejection email [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
TBD | TBD | (spontaneous) |
No Einstein Toolkit meeting due to summer school
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Yosef | Roland (ifneedsbe) | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_11 release
- Current proposed inclusion list:
- GRHayL thorns
- GRHayLib
- IllinoisGRMHD update
- GRHayLHDX (only if CarpetX is included)
- GRHayLIDX (only if CarpetX is included)
- IllinoisGRMHDX (only if CarpetX is included)
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update
- CarpetX thorns?
- AsterX thorns?
- SpacetimeX thorns?
- GRHayL thorns
- Deprecations:
- IllinoisGRMHD: many parameters will be deprecated, as they have moved to GRHayLib
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields: some parameter options are deprecated to improve clarity between TOV and BNS options
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields_BNS thorn will be deprecated
- Current proposed inclusion list:
- subscribe to NR community call monthly reminder ( [RH]
- reject instead of hold for moderator emails by non-members to, add information on how to subscribe to rejection email [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | TBD | (spontaneous) |
- [SC] begin proposing inclusions for ET_2023_11 release
- Current list:
- GRHayL thorns
- GRHayLib: GRHayL is a new infrastructure-agnostic GRMHD library based on refactored IllinoisGRMHD code, and the GRHayLib thorn implements the library in the toolkit
- IllinoisGRMHD update: code updated to use GRHayLib; includes new tabulated EOS options
- GRHayLHD: pure hydro version of IllinoisGRMHD
- GRHayLID: initial data thorn that provides Balsara tests, a constant density sphere ID, and an isotropic gas ID
- GRHayLHDX: CarpetX version of GRHayLHD
- GRHayLIDX: CarpetX version of GRHayLID
- IllinoisGRMHDX: CarpetX version of new IllinoisGRMHD; may not be ready in time for release
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields update: scheduling changes to make it more compatible with thorns other than IllinoisGRMHD; added Seed_Magnetic_Fields_BNS features to this thorn
- Is CarpetX on track for inclusion?
- AsterX thorns?
- SpacetimeX thorns?
- GRHayL thorns
- Deprecations:
- IllinoisGRMHD: many parameters will be deprecated, as they have moved to GRHayLib
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields: some parameter options are deprecated to improve clarity between TOV and BNS options
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields_BNS thorn will be deprecated
- ET SPECv8 contribution [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Sam | (spontaneous) |
- [SC] begin proposing inclusions for ET_2023_11 release
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
No ET call due to ongoing EU ET meeting.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- [SC] Ticket 2735: proposed simplification of schedule.ccl for ADMBase, HydroBase, and TmunuBase
- [SC] Ticket 2742: proposed restructuring of Seed_Magnetic_Fields (SMF)
- Seed_Magnetic_Fields_BNS functionality added to SMF
- SMF scheduling changed to depend on HydroBase in addition to IllinoisGRMHD for more general usability
- Deprecation of Seed_Magnetic_Fields_BNS for ET_2023_11
- [SC] Addition of GRHayLib, GRHayLHD, GRHayLMHD in ET_2023_11
- this indirectly addresses Ticket 2497, as scheduling doesn't mix con2prim and updating Tmunu
- should IllinoisGRMHD be deprecated in ET_2023_11, or should it remain for several releases before deprecation?
- [SC] Due to several deprecations, what are the proper methods for announcing this other than release announcement?
- announce removal of TmunuBase inherting from ADMBase and StaticConformal, see ticket 2627
- [RH] EU ET meeting next week
- [RH] US ET meeting in July
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Leo | (spontaneous) |
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- SPECv8 contribution [SB, RH]
- next release coordinator search [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Sam | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_05 ("Schwarzschild") release yesterday
- SPECv8 contribution [SB, RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Sam | Steve | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_05 ("Schwarzschild") release
- ET release timeline
- ET tests status: assignees, status [RH]. Missing machines
- qb
- smic
- thornyflat
- most PRACE machines
- deprecation warnings poll [RH]
- US ET summer school [RH]
- EU ET summer school [RH]
- SPECv8 contribution [SB, RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_05 ("Schwarzschild") release
- ET release timeline
- Inclusions are FUKA reader, particle_tracerET, Baikal/BaikalVacuum update, TwoPunctures_BBHSF, New kuibit version
- ET tests status: assignees, status [RH]. Missing machines
- qb
- smic
- thornyflat
- most PRACE machines
- Please let Sam and Leo know who helps with testing, so they can be included in the list of people who contributed to the release
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_05 ("Schwarzschild") release
- ET release timeline
- Inclusions are FUKA reader, particle_tracerET, Baikal/BaikalVacuum update, TwoPunctures_BBHSF, New kuibit version
- ET tests status: assignees, status [RH]. Missing machines
- qb
- smic
- thornyflat
- most PRACE machines
- Please let Sam and Leo know who helps with testing, so they can be included in the list of people who contributed to the release
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_05
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) Ticket #2619 -- gave (final) final deadline for tests: 4/12; thorns are already in manifest to stay on track, but may be removed depending on final status
- FUKA reader announcement and Ticket #2692 -- review complete, thorns in manifest
- particle_tracerET Ticket #2691 -- review complete, merged into master
- Baikal/BaikalVacuum Ticket #2693 -- review complete, merged into master
- TwoPunctures_BBHSF Ticket #2697 -- review complete, thorn in manifest
- New kuibit version Ticket #2696 -- review complete
- CarpetX code review -- Erik is champion for CarpetX; need a coordinator for the review (not necessarily one of the reviewers)
- ET release timeline [RH]
- ET tests status: assignees, status [RH]. Missing machines
- qb
- smic
- thornyflat
- most PRACE machines
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Johnny | Steve | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_05
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) Ticket #2619 -- gave (final) final deadline for tests: 4/12; thorns are already in manifest to stay on track, but may be removed depending on final status
- FUKA reader announcement and Ticket #2692 -- review complete, thorns in manifest
- particle_tracerET Ticket #2691 -- review complete, merged into master
- Baikal/BaikalVacuum Ticket #2693 -- review complete, merged into master
- TwoPunctures_BBHSF Ticket #2697 -- review complete, thorn in manifest
- New kuibit version Ticket #2696 -- review complete
- CarpetX code review -- Erik is champion for CarpetX; need a coordinator for the review (not necessarily one of the reviewers)
- ET release timeline [RH]
- ET release name vote for "Schwarzschild" [RH]
- ET tests status: assignees, status [RH]. Missing machines
- qb
- smic
- thornyflat
- most PRACE machines
- SPECv8 inclusion [RH] [SB]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
No ET call, due to APS April meeting 2023.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Johnny | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_05
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) Ticket #2619 -- gave (final) final deadline for tests: 4/12; thorns are already in manifest to stay on track, but may be removed depending on final status
- FUKA reader announcement and Ticket #2692 -- review complete, thorns in manifest
- particle_tracerET Ticket #2691 -- review complete, merged into master
- Baikal/BaikalVacuum Ticket #2693 -- review complete, merged into master
- TwoPunctures_BBHSF Ticket #2697 -- review complete, thorn in manifest
- New kuibit version Ticket #2696 -- review complete
- CarpetX code review -- Erik is champion for CarpetX; need a coordinator for the review (not necessarily one of the reviewers)
- ET uptime monitor [2] [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_05
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) Ticket #2619 -- Beyhan Karakaş reviewer, Alireza Rashti champion
- FUKA reader announcement and Ticket #2692 -- Konrad Topolski reviewer, Samuel Tootle champion
- CarpetX pre-release code review -- reviewers Steve, Zach; one more?
- particle_tracerET new features Ticket #2691 -- Terrence Pierre Jacques reviewer, Leo Werneck champion
- TwoPunctures_BBHSF in Canuda/Scalar for binary black holes + scalar fields Ticket #2697 -- Thiago Assumpção reviewer, Cheng-Hsin Cheng champion
NPScalars_SF in Canuda/Scalar for binary black holes + scalar fields Ticket #2697 -- needs reviewer, Cheng-Hsin Cheng champion- New kuibit version Ticket #2696 -- Cheng-Hsin Cheng, Gabriele Bozzola champion
- Timeline for upcoming release
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Zach / ChatGPT | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_05
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) Ticket #2619 -- Beyhan Karakaş reviewer, Alireza Rashti champion
- FUKA reader announcement and Ticket #2692 -- Konrad Topolski reviewer, Samuel Tootle champion
- CarpetX pre-release code review -- reviewers Steve, Zach; one more?
- particle_tracerET new features Ticket #2691 -- Terrence Pierre Jacques reviewer, Leo Werneck champion
- TwoPunctures_BBHSF in Canuda/Scalar for binary black holes + scalar fields Ticket #2697 -- Thiago Assumpção reviewer, Cheng-Hsin Cheng champion
- NPScalars_SF in Canuda/Scalar for binary black holes + scalar fields Ticket #2697 -- needs reviewer, Cheng-Hsin Cheng champion
- New kuibit version Ticket #2696 -- Cheng-Hsin Cheng, Gabriele Bozzola champion
- Timeline for upcoming release
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- ET_2023_05
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) Ticket #2619 -- Beyhan Karakaş reviewer, Alireza Rashti champion
- FUKA reader announcement and Ticket #2692 -- Konrad Topolski reviewer, Samuel Tootle champion
- CarpetX pre-release code review -- reviewers Steve, Zach; one more?
- particle_tracerET new features Ticket #2691 -- Terrence Pierre Jacques reviewer, Leo Werneck champion
- TwoPunctures_BBHSF in Canuda/Scalar for binary black holes + scalar fields Ticket #2697 -- Thiago Assumpção reviewer, Cheng-Hsin Cheng champion
- NPScalars_SF in Canuda/Scalar for binary black holes + scalar fields Ticket #2697 -- needs reviewer, Cheng-Hsin Cheng champion
- New kuibit version Ticket #2696 -- Cheng-Hsin Cheng, Gabriele Bozzola champion
- Timeline for upcoming release
- updates on summer school planning [RH]
- CI testing server status updates [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | TBD | (spontaneous) |
- seminar: Adam Peterson,"Code generation for AMReX with applications to numerical relativity", 2301.08354, which uses AMReX for Z4c evolution
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- seminar March 9th: Adam J. Peterson, "Code generation for AMReX with applications to numerical relativity", 2301.08354, which uses AMReX for Z4c evolution [RH]
- ET_2023_05
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) Ticket #2619 -- Beyhan Karakaş reviewer, Alireza Rashti champion
- FUKA reader announcement and Ticket #2692 -- Konrad Topolski reviewer, Samuel Tootle champion
- CarpetX pre-release code review -- reviewers Steve, Zach; one more?
- particle_tracerET new features Ticket #2691 -- Terrence Pierre Jacques reviewer, Leo Werneck champion
- TwoPunctures_BBHSF in Canuda/Scalar for binary black holes + scalar fields Ticket #2697 -- Thiago Assumpção reviewer, Cheng-Hsin Cheng champion
- NPScalars_SF in Canuda/Scalar for binary black holes + scalar fields Ticket #2697 -- needs reviewer, Cheng-Hsin Cheng champion
- New kuibit version Ticket #2696 -- Cheng-Hsin Cheng, Gabriele Bozzola champion
- Timeline for upcoming release
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Helvi | Johnny | (spontaneous) |
- seminar March 9th: Adam J. Peterson, "Code generation for AMReX with applications to numerical relativity", 2301.08354, which uses AMReX for Z4c evolution [RH]
- ET_2023_05
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) Ticket #2619 -- Beyhan Karakaş reviewer, Alireza Rashti champion
- FUKA reader announcement and Ticket #2692 -- Konrad Topolski reviewer, Samuel Tootle champion
- CarpetX pre-release code review -- reviewers Steve, Zach; one more?
- particle_tracerET new features Ticket #2691 -- Terrence Pierre Jacques reviewer, Leo Werneck champion
- TwoPunctures_BBHSF in Canuda/Scalar for binary black holes + scalar fields Ticket #2697 -- Thiago Assumpção reviewer, Cheng-Hsin Cheng champion
- NPScalars_SF in Canuda/Scalar for binary black holes + scalar fields Ticket #2697 -- needs reviewer, Cheng-Hsin Cheng champion
- New kuibit version Ticket #2696 -- Cheng-Hsin Cheng, Gabriele Bozzola champion
- Timeline for upcoming release
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Yosef or Sam | (spontaneous) |
- seminar proposal: Adam J. Peterson, "Code generation for AMReX with applications to numerical relativity", 2301.08354, which uses AMReX for Z4c evolution
- ET_2023_05
Fishbone-Moncrief gallery example Ticket #2687 -- needs reviewerdepends on FB-M code. [RH]- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) Ticket #2619 -- Beyhan Karakaş reviewer, Alireza Rashti champion
- FUKA reader announcement and Ticket #2692 -- Konrad Topolski reviewer, Samuel Tootle champion
- CarpetX pre-release code review -- reviewers Steve, Zach; one more?
- NRPyEOS Ticket #2688 -- needs reviewer
- NRPyLeakage Ticket #2689 -- Terrence Pierre Jacques reviewer, Leonardo Werneck champion (?)
- TwoPunctures_BBHSF in Canuda/Scalar for binary black holes + scalar fields Ticket #2697 -- Thiago Assumpção reviewer, Cheng-Hsin Cheng champion
- NPScalars_SF in Canuda/Scalar for binary black holes + scalar fields Ticket #2697 -- needs reviewer, Cheng-Hsin Cheng champion
- New kuibit version Ticket #2696 -- Cheng-Hsin Cheng, Gabriele Bozzola champion
- Timeline for upcoming release
- ET mailing list archives not using good SSL certificate [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Sam | Steve | (spontaneous) |
- UNAM Workshop
- Add updating kuibit version in notebook.docker to release steps
- Figure out a more reliable way to untar Cactus. Maybe write a custom Python script?
- simfactory should have more helpful error messages when resubmitting running/finished jobs.
- ET_2023_05
- decide on a list of release-critical compute systems
- Fishbone-Moncrief gallery example Ticket #2687 -- needs reviewer
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) Ticket #2619 -- Beyhan as possible reviewer
- FUKA reader announcement and Ticket #2692 -- needs reviewer
- CarpetX pre-release code review -- reviewers Steve, Zach; one more?
- NRPyEOS Ticket #2688 -- needs reviewer
- NRPyLeakage Ticket #2689 -- needs reviewer
- TwoPunctures_BBHSF and NPScalars_SF in Canuda/Scalar for binary black holes + scalar fields Ticket #2697 -- needs reviewer
- New kuibit version Ticket #2696 -- needs reviewer
- Timeline for upcoming release
- ET mailing list archives not using good SSL certificate [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- Call for new contribution proposals
- Fishbone-Moncrief gallery example Ticket #2687
- Baikal read/writes support Ticket #2693
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) Ticket #2619 -- proposed by Alireza Rashti
- FUKA reader announcement and Ticket #2692
CarpetX pre-release and Ticket #2694AsterX pre-release and Ticket #2695- IllinoisGRMHD major update and feature enhancement Ticket #2690
- NRPyEOS Ticket #2688
- NRPyLeakage Ticket #2689
- Minor feature improvement to particle_tracerET Ticket #2691
- TwoPunctures_BBHSF and NPScalars_SF in Canuda/Scalar for binary black holes + scalar fields Ticket #2697
- New kuibit version Ticket #2696
- Timeline for upcoming release
- ET mailing list archives not using good SSL certificate [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Sam | Steve | (spontaneous) |
- Call for new contribution proposals
- Fishbone-Moncrief gallery example
- Baikal read/writes support
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) ticket -- proposed by Alireza Rashti
- FUKA reader announcement
- CarpetX pre-release
- AsterX pre-release
- IllinoisGRMHD major update and feature enhancement (tab EOS + neutrino leakage)
- Minor feature improvement to particle_tracerET
- TwoPunctures_BBHSF in Canuda arrangement for binary black holes + scalar fields initial data
- ET EU meeting announcement [RH]
- ET mailing list archives not using good SSL certificate [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- Call for new contribution proposals
- Fishbone-Moncrief gallery example
- Baikal read/writes support
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) ticket -- proposed by Alireza Rashti
- FUKA reader announcement
- CarpetX pre-release
- AsterX pre-release
- IllinoisGRMHD major update and feature enhancement (tab EOS + neutrino leakage)
- Minor feature improvement to particle_tracerET
- ET mailing list archives not using good SSL certificate [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Samuel | Yosef | (spontaneous) |
- Call for new contribution proposals
- Fishbone-Moncrief gallery example
- Baikal read/writes support
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) ticket -- proposed by Alireza Rashti
- FUKA reader announcement
- CarpetX pre-release
- AsterX pre-release
- IllinoisGRMHD major update and feature enhancement (tab EOS + neutrino leakage)
- GRHayL (General Relativistic Hydrodynamic Library) update [SC]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- Call for new contribution proposals
- Fishbone-Moncrief gallery example [RH]
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) ticket -- proposed by Alireza Rashti
- FUKA reader announcement
- CarpetX pre-release
- AsterX pre-release
- ET mailing list archives not using good SSL certificate [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Samuel | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- Call for new contribution proposals
- Fishbone-Moncrief gallery example [RH]
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) ticket -- proposed by Alireza Rashti
- FUKA reader announcement
- CarpetX pre-release
- AsterX pre-release
- ET GitHub organization possible compromise [RH]
- ET mailing list archives not using good SSL certificate [RH]
- Safety feature to avoid HDF5 files from being corrupted [LW]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Steve | (spontaneous) |
- Next ET release chair search [RH]
- Call for new contribution proposals
- Fishbone-Moncrief gallery example [RH]
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) ticket -- proposed by Alireza Rashti
- FUKA reader announcement
- CarpetX pre-release
- AsterX pre-release
- ET GitHub organization possible compromise [RH]
- ET mailing list archives not using good SSL certificate [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Bruno | (spontaneous) |
- ET release recap [RH]
- missing tests [RH]
- missing docs [RH]
- Next ET release chair search [RH]
- Call for new contribution proposals
- Fishbone-Moncrief gallery example [RH]
- Elliptica reader (and solver timeline) ticket -- proposed by Alireza Rashti
- FUKA reader announcement
- simfactory website repo server migration [RH] [SB]
- ET Jenkins replacement status update [RH]
- ET seminar and hackathon search [RH]
- NRPy+ plans [RH]
- EOS plans call recap [RH]
- SPECv8 update [SB]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
- no meeting due to US Thanksgiving.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | Beyhan | (spontaneous) |
- ET release [RH]
- BBH gallery example (Allen Wen) [RH]
- documentation missing for: ScalarBase, ScalarEvolve, ScalarInit [RH]
- tests missing for: ScalarBase, ScalarEvolve, ScalarInit [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Beyhan | (spontaneous) |
- ET release [RH]
- BBH gallery example (Allen Wen) [RH]
- Multipatch gallery example (Hrishikesh Kalyanaraman) [RH]
- documentation missing for: ScalarBase, ScalarEvolve, ScalarInit [RH]
- tests missing for: ScalarBase, ScalarEvolve, ScalarInit [RH]
- [SC] Progress report on modularizing IllinoisGRMHD, community feedback appreciated
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Steve | (spontaneous) |
- ET release
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Johnny | (spontaneous) |
- ET release
- testing has started:
- release name variation "Sophie Kowalevski" which is (say wikipedia) how she transcribed her name in her papers [RH]
- release teams definition update / recap:
- release coordinator(s)
- test runner(s)
- gallery example runner(s)
- anyone putting in work specifically for the release
- reviewer(s)
- M1 and generic macOS issues [RH]
- Gallery runs:
- BNS example -- Johnny - in process
- BBH example -- Allen Wen
- Multipatch -- Hrishikesh Kalyanaraman
- Poisson -- Nadine Kuo - updated
- Single NS -- Lisa Leung - run
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Sam | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- ET release
- testing has started:
- Gallery runs:
- BNS example -- Johnny
- BBH example -- Allen Wen
- Multipatch -- Hrishikesh Kalyanaraman
- Poisson -- Nadine Kuo
- Single NS -- Lisa Leung
- [SC] Discussion: extension of PreSync capabilities to automatically compute analysis/diagnostic variables (WeylScal4, Multipole, VolumeIntegrals, ADMBase, etc.) on demand instead of explicitly scheduling computation
- Sam's Ticket Time:
- (not a ticket) ambiguous rdwr default warning: should make a ticket/pull request
- #2650: unanswered comment from Roland, new commits since Roland's last comment
- #2653: still needs reviewer
- #2654: still needs reviewer
- #2639: any updates from Roland?
- #2657: where exactly does regrid distinguish between variables which have prolongation on (valid on interior) vs those that do not (valid nowhere)?
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- ET release
- testing has started:
- Gallery runs:
- BNS example -- Johnny
- BBH example -- TBD, possible RIT
- Multipatch -- Hrishikesh Kalyanaraman
- Poisson -- Nadine Kuo
- Single NS -- TBD, students at NCSA
- Sam's Ticket Time:
- (not actually a ticket) Steve has a branch which adds a CST warning if the read/write declarations have an implicit region of validity that could be ambiguous. Several thorns were using the implicit declarations incorrectly, and Roland and I merged in changes to all the offending thorns except Llama.
- #2654: ADMAnalysis compiler warning - pull request that fixes ADMAnalysis' Trace function not respecting const from new PreSync macros; also fixes incorrect interface for function. Needs reviewer for merge.
- #2653: Recursive syncs calls - pull request provides a fix for this; a review to see if there's a more efficient way to do this check would be beneficial. I would still like to know whether any recursion is truly necessary.
- #2650: Write statements for PreSync Scalars - Steve has made a pull request which sets the default WRITE of scalars to `everywhere'. Has there been progress in getting it ready for master?
- #2648: Empty ApplyBCs call in Lean, Baikal - does anyone know if there was a reason for this empty call to ApplyBCs? Is it just an extra call that can be removed or some sort of scheduling trick? To me it appears to just be an empty call that should be removed.
- #2639: Incorrect cctk_time - Roland, have you had a chance for further testing with the provided parfile?
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Johnny | (spontaneous) |
- ET release
- testing has started:
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- any updates on modules for next release [RH]
- Canuda scalar and complex fields ticket -- proposed by Miguel Zilhao, reviewer is Taishi Ikeda
- FLRW solver ticket -- proposed by Hayley Macpherson, reviewers are Zach Etienne and Chi Tian
- SelfForce-1D ticket -- proposed by Samuel Cupp, reviewer is Peter Diener
- NRPyEllipticET ticket -- proposed by Leo Werneck, Thiago Assumpcao, Zach Etienne, reviewers are Cheng-Hsin Cheng and Giuseppe Ficarra
- ET release
- testing has started:
- [SC] New (in-progress) page on updating thorns to use PreSync
- [SC] Seemingly missing boundary condition application in LeanBSSNMoL, Baikal, and BaikalVacuum (ticket #2648)
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Bruno | (spontaneous) |
- vote on modules suggested for inclusion for next release [RH]
- Canuda scalar and complex fields ticket -- proposed by Miguel Zilhao, reviewer is Taishi Ikeda
- FLRW solver ticket -- proposed by Hayley Macpherson, needs review helper
- SelfForce-1D ticket -- proposed by Samuel Cupp, reviewer is Peter Diener
- NRPyEllipticET ticket -- proposed by Leo Werneck, Thiago Assumpcao, Zach Etienne, reviewers are Cheng-Hsin Cheng and Giuseppe Ficarra
- ET release
- testing has started:
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Sam | (spontaneous) |
- modules suggested for inclusion for next release, final review deadline on 2022-09-15 [RH]
- Canuda scalar and complex fields ticket -- proposed by Miguel Zilhao, reviewer is Taishi Ikeda
- FLRW solver ticket -- proposed by Hayley Macpherson, needs review helper
- SelfForce-1D ticket -- proposed by Samuel Cupp, reviewer is Peter Diener
- NRPyEllipticET ticket -- proposed by Leo Werneck, Thiago Assumpcao, Zach Etienne, reviewers are Cheng-Hsin Cheng and Giuseppe Ficarra
- functionality to retire, needs advance warning [RH]
- announce CoordGauge functinality removal from thorn (if possible)
- announce removal of ADMBase and StaticConformal inheritance in TmunuBase. Likely only ever used for the "old style" Tmunu interface using ADMCoupling which has been removed already
- announce (again, after 18 years) that "REQUIRES THORNS" is deprecated, remove use from ET thorns, disable parsing in next release, remove parsing code and code after that
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- modules suggested for inclusion for next release, "does not harm" review deadline on 2022-09-01 [RH]
- Canuda scalar and complex fields ticket -- proposed by Miguel Zilhao, reviewer is Taishi Ikeda
- FLRW solver ticket -- proposed by Hayley Macpherson, needs review helper
- SelfForce-1D ticket -- proposed by Samuel Cupp, reviewer is Peter Diener
- NRPyEllipticET ticket -- proposed by Leo Werneck, Thiago Assumpcao, Zach Etienne, reviewers are Cheng-Hsin Cheng and Giuseppe Ficarra
- functionality to retire, needs advance warning [RH]
- announce CoordGauge functinality removal from thorn (if possible)
- announce removal of ADMBase and StaticConformal inheritance in TmunuBase. Likely only ever used for the "old style" Tmunu interface using ADMCoupling which has been removed already
- announce (again, after 18 years) that "REQUIRES THORNS" is deprecated, remove use from ET thorns, disable parsing in next release, remove parsing code and code after that
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
No ET call due to EU ET meeting.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Zach | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- modules suggested for inclusion for next release, "does not harm" review deadline on 2022-09-01 [RH]
- Canuda scalar and complex fields ticket -- proposed by Miguel Zilhao, reviewer is Taishi Ikeda
- FLRW solver ticket -- proposed by Hayley Macpherson, needs review helper
- SelfForce-1D ticket -- proposed by Samuel Cupp, reviewer is Peter Diener
- NRPyEllipticET ticket -- proposed by Leo Werneck, Thiago Assumpcao, Zach Etienne, reviewers are Cheng-Hsin Cheng and Giuseppe Ficarra
- functionality to retire, needs advance warning [RH]
- announce CoordGauge functinality removal from thorn (if possible)
- announce removal of ADMBase and StaticConformal inheritance in TmunuBase. Likely only ever used for the "old style" Tmunu interface using ADMCoupling which has been removed already
- announce (again, after 18 years) that "REQUIRES THORNS" is deprecated, remove use from ET thorns, disable parsing in next release, remove parsing code and code after that
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Yosef | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- modules suggested for inclusion for next release, "does not harm" review deadline on 2022-09-01 [RH]
- Canuda scalar and complex fields ticket -- proposed by Miguel Zilhao, reviewer is Taishi Ikeda
- FLRW solver ticket -- proposed by Hayley Macpherson, needs review helper
- SelfForce-1D ticket -- proposed by Samuel Cupp, reviewer is Peter Diener
- NRPyEllipticET ticket -- proposed by Leo Werneck, Thiago Assumpcao, Zach Etienne, reviewers are Cheng-Hsin Cheng and Giuseppe Ficarra
- ID reader Elliptica ticket -- proposed by Alireza Rashti, reviewer is Beyhan Karakaş
- move back to 9:00am time slot [YZ]
- missing updates for gallery examples [RH]
- BBH [SB]
- functionality to retire, needs advance warning [RH]
- announce removal of ADMBase and StaticConformal inheritance in TmunuBase. Likely only ever used for the "old style" Tmunu interface using ADMCoupling which has been removed already
- announce (again, after 18 years) that "REQUIRES THORNS" is deprecated, remove use from ET thorns, disable parsing in next release, remove parsing code and code after that
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Beyhan | Steve | (spontaneous) |
- modules suggested for inclusion for next release, "does not harm" review deadline on 2022-09-01 [RH]
- Canuda scalar and complex fields ticket -- proposed by Miguel Zilhao, reviewer is Taishi Ikeda
- FLRW solver ticket -- proposed by Hayley Macpherson, needs review helper
- SelfForce-1D ticket -- proposed by Samuel Cupp, reviewer is Peter Diener
- NRPyEllipticET ticket -- proposed by Leo Werneck, Thiago Assumpcao, Zach Etienne, reviewers are Cheng-Hsin Cheng and Giuseppe Ficarra
- ID reader Elliptica ticket -- proposed by Alireza Rashti, reviewer is Beyhan Karakaş
- ask for gallery examples from new contributions [RH]
- missing updates for gallery examples [RH]
- BBH [SB]
- functionality to retire, needs advance warning [RH]
- announce removal of ADMBase and StaticConformal inheritance in TmunuBase. Likely only ever used for the "old style" Tmunu interface using ADMCoupling which has been removed already
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- short report on CSSI working workshop on CarpetX / NRPy+ / Canuda [RH]
- various improments to CarpetX parallelization in boundaries, assorted bugfixes, CI system
- progress on AsterX development towards fully functional vector field MHD implementation
- TOV initial data generator for AsterX
- initial porting efforts of Canuda code to CarpetX
- testing and debugging of CarpetX multipatch code
- testing and debugging of IMEX methods in CarpetX repo
- initial investigation of GPU support in standalone NRPy+ codes
- various improvements and bug fixes in NRPy+ frontend
- modules suggested for inclusion for next release [RH]
- Canuda scalar and complex fields ticket -- proposed by Miguel Zilhao, has reviewer
- FLRW solver ticket -- proposed by Hayley Macpherson, needs review helper
- SelfForce-1D ticket -- proposed by Samuel Cupp, has reveiwer
- NRPyEllipticET ticket -- proposed by Leo Werneck, Thiago Assumpcao, Zach Etienne, has reviewer
- ID reader Elliptica ticket -- proposed by Alireza Rashti, has reviewer
- missing updates for gallery examples [RH]
- functionality to retire, needs advance warning [RH]
- draft of new components reviewer guidelines [RH]
- SPEC benchmark contribution ticket [SB, RH]
- NR community summer school at Brown University starting next week [RH]
- EU ET meeting starting end of the month
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Johnny | (spontaneous) |
- modules suggested for inclusion for next release [RH]
- Canuda scalar and complex fields ticket -- proposed by Miguel Zilhao, has reviewer suggestions
- FLRW solver ticket -- proposed by Hayley Macpherson, needs review helper
- SelfForce-1D ticket -- proposed by Samuel Cupp, has reveiwer
- NRPyEllipticET ticket -- proposed by Leo Werneck, Thiago Assumpcao, Zach Etienne, needs reviewer
FUKA v2 (maybe, see announcement)-- not before 2023- ID readers for
SGRID(not before 2023) and Elliptica ticket -- proposed by Alireza Rashti, needs reviewer
- timeline for upcoming release [RH]
- missing updates for gallery examples [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Beyhan | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- modules suggested for inclusion for next release [RH]
- Canuda scalar and complex fields ticket -- proposed by Miguel Zilhao, has reviewer suggestions
- FLRW solver ticket -- proposed by Hayley Macpherson, needs review helper
- SelfForce-1D ticket -- proposed by Samuel Cupp, has reveiwer
- NRPyEllipticET ticket -- proposed by Leo Werneck, Thiago Assumpcao, Zach Etienne, needs reviewer
FUKA v2 (maybe, see announcement)-- not before 2023- ID readers for
SGRID(not before 2023) and Elliptica ticket -- proposed by Alireza Rashti, needs reviewer
- timeline for upcoming release [RH]
- missing updates for gallery examples [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Johnny | (spontaneous) |
- presentation on GitHub actions based CI framework by Hrishikesh Kalyanaraman [HK]
- modules suggested for inclusion for next release [RH]
- Canuda scalar and complex fields ticket -- proposed by Miguel Zilhao
- FLRW solver ticket -- proposed by Hayley Macpherson
- SelfForce-1D ticket -- proposed by Samuel Cupp
- NRPyEllipticET ticket -- proposed by Leo Werneck, Thiago Assumpcao, Zach Etienne
FUKA v2 (maybe, see announcement)-- not before 2023- ID readers for
SGRID(not before 2023) and Elliptica ticket -- proposed by Alireza Rashti
- timeline for upcoming release [RH]
- missing updates for gallery examples [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- modules suggested for inclusion for next release
- timeline for upcoming release [RH]
- missing updates for gallery examples [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Yosef | Miguel | (spontaneous) |
- modules suggested for inclusion for next release
- Canuda scalar and complex fields ticket
- FLRW solver ticket
- SelfForce-1D ticket
- NRPyEllipticET (ticket, talk 2021 talk video recording)
- FUKA v2 (maybe, see announcement)
- ID readers for SGRID and Elliptica
- ET summer school at Idaho recap [ZE]
- missing updates for gallery examples [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- modules suggested for inclusion for next release
- ET summer school at Idaho recap [ZE]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
No ET call due to ET summer school and workshop at UIdaho.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Beyhan | Johnny | (spontaneous) |
- next ET release [RH]
- modules suggested for inclusion for next release
- ET summer school at Idaho [RH]
- hackathon topics
- NR community summer school [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Miguel | (spontaneous) |
- next ET release [YZ, RH]
- testsuite status
- recap of release process
- release manager search for next release
- modules suggested for inclusion for next release
- ET CI server imrovements [RH]
- ET summer school at Idaho [RH]
- hackathon topics
- NR community summer school [RH]
- move ET call to different timeslot due to scheduling conflicts [RH]
- best options are Mon 9am, 10am, Thu 8am, 9am, 10am
- best to keep current slot Thu 9am
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Yosef | Atul | (spontaneous) |
- next ET release, Details.
- testsuite status [RH]
- ET summer school at Idaho [RH]
- move ET call to different timeslot due to scheduling conflicts [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Beyhan | TBA | (spontaneous) |
Erik Schnetter presented on Spack.
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
TBD | Roland | (spontaneous) |
- next ET release, Details.
- testsuite status [RH]
- ET summer school at Idaho [RH]
- Kuibit updates [RH, GB]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Beyhan | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- next ET release, Details.
- testsuite status [RH]
- ET summer school at Idaho [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Miguel | (spontaneous) |
- next ET release, Details.
- testsuite status [RH]
- ET summer school at Idaho [RH]
- SPEC benchmark contribution ticket [SB, RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Miguel | (spontaneous) |
- next ET release, Details.
- testsuite status [RH]
- ET summer school at Idaho [RH]
- SPEC benchmark contribution ticket [SB, RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | Atul | (spontaneous) |
- next ET release, Details.
- testsuite status [RH]
- ET summer school at Idaho [RH]
- ET seminars suggestions (existing seminars)[RH]
- untested Simfactory machines retirement / maintenance
- bethe
- shelob / mike / philip / melete05
- tianhe
- fuchs
- marconiA3
- full list of machines
- ET CI server status [RH]
- SPEC benchmark contribution ticket [SB, RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Bill | (spontaneous) |
- next ET release, Details.
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland | Leo | (spontaneous) |
- next ET release, Details.
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Yosef | Miguel | (spontaneous) |
- next ET release, Details.
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter | Atul | (spontaneous) |
- next ET release, Details.
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Leo | Roland | (spontaneous) |
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Steve B | Bill G | (spontaneous) |
- A cute new feature in kuibit inspired by snakeviz [GB]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
- Presentation by Roland Haas, on how to set up simfactory on a new cluster, using NCAR's Cheyenne system as an example.notebook.
- Push the chairs and minute takers back a week.
10 March: Chair: Leo Minutes: Roland
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Yosef Z | Miguel G | (spontaneous) |
- Release planning [YZ, RH]
- EU ET meeting website, hyperspace announce
- SPEC benchmark contribution [SB, RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter D | Atul K | (spontaneous) |
- Release planning [YZ, RH]
- SPEC benchmark contribution [SB, RH]
- Regenerating Kranc thorns [SB]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Roland H | Maria BH | (spontaneous) |
- release planning [YZ, RH]
- ET hackathon [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Maria BH | Miguel G | (spontaneous) |
- release planning [YZ, RH]
- ET hackathon [RH]
- ET presentation series [RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Peter D | Bill G | (spontaneous) |
- search for next ET release manager [RH]. From minutes from 2021-08-26
Steve agreed to be the manager with help from Yosef. Helvi, it is useful to have more than one person to do this. Steve, Roland left off the conditional that Steve will do it if Roland does this "soon," need not be the next release after.
- FLRWSolver inclusion ticket [RH]
- ET hackahton [RH]
- ET presentation series [RH]
- ET Jenkins server retirement [RH]
- Suggestions for new inclusions to consider for the ET [RH]
- Self force code [RH]
- Full reprimand code / thorn [RH]
- tabulated hot EOS in Reprimand?
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Yosef Z | Steve B | (spontaneous) |
- Visualization page on the website [GB]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.
call chair | minute taker | Working Group Update |
Yosef Z | Roland H | (spontaneous) |
- SPEC benchmark contribution [SB, RH]
- LORENE2 as default LORENE thorn in ET [RH]
- Regenerating Kranc thorns [SB]
- Regenerating NRP\y+ thorns [SB}
- thorn to include in next release (May 2022, 4 months from now)
- ET bug squashing call [BG, RH]
unanswered question on mailing list / open tickets sorted by update time / tickets ready for review
Minutes are here.